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As I floated into the room, I braced for criticism. I knew that 119 wouldn't like it, but it was what I wanted to wear.
He looked up and down.
"Is that the best you could do?"
Wow, quicker than usual. 
"We are meeting up with Death. You know, THE Death?"
I looked down at my robes. Sure, they were a little worn, but doesn't that show dedication to my line of work?
"Surely, you could do better than that?"
"No, sir. These robes show dedication to what I do and how much I love it. The possession of others is what I live for. Expensive, flouncy robes won't show that."
"But," he paused to massage his temples, "how did you get them so... so... so..." he gestured up and down, "ragged?"
"Transporting your soul in and out of humans does do that to your robes, you know! Just because you have enough soul cash to buy new robes a couple of times a week doesn't mean everyone does!"
As 119 opened his mouth to retaliate, the air began to shimmer. We quickly moved to attention as the air grew cold, and flowed across my skin. I shivered with wild, childish delight. This was what I had worked for. This was what I had wanted to do since I came out of the breeding chambers, tucked into the back corner of hell. I worked with all my might to get into Hell's most prestigious school, The Soul-Possessors Academy of Advanced Demons. Well, I didn't get in, of course. This is Hell, you know!
But that's all history. I stole all the school's learning material and taught myself how to do everything. The only reason I was able to get a job as a soul-possessor was because I acquired an exclusive lesson, stored in the depths of the school that was no longer taught, after the near conversion of all demons to Christianity- I shudder just thinking about how white it is up there. The lesson? How to possess the soul of another demon. I possessed my interviewer and landed the job straight up, no questions asked. I've improved since then- 10,753 human souls possessed and only 4 demons. I guess I can say I got half an angel, but it was a hard getting that far!
"Death, its a pleasure to be in your service s... ma'am?"
I snapped out of my memories and looked at the being before me. Who was this creature?
"I am Death, you insolent demon spawn. Did you expect me to come in the form of a man?" She chuckled. "Men smell, and are completely inappropriate. I mostly certainly prefer this form."
"Right... well, come this way, madam. We'll take you to meet The Devil Lord, and then to the Fire realms for some light human refreshments."
"Excellent." She smiled at us both, teeth chipped and blackened. "I can't wait to get started."

Hey everyone! Thank you so much for reading my story The Demons Within! I understand some of you have come from my old account Warriortiger497. Thank you for coming to my new account! I hope that this story is enjoyable and it's a good enough substitute for my old story, Ashes. I will be completing this story before I continue Ashes. I hope you like my new story.
Just a quick note before I finish! I will be swearing in this story, as I believe it suits my characters. It's nothing too bad, just asshole and stuff like that. If you don't want to read that sort of thing, then sorry!
Oh well. Hope you enjoy!!! 😊

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2017 ⏰

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