c h a p t er 5

13 2 0

* as i cut the leaves that had grown on the wall, a let to pass my self clearly
And as i pass on it, I was mezmerized by the beauty of.. The forest, yes a forest.

It wasnt long since i  visit here. This is my favorite place to stand byyyyy.  As walk, the leaves made a sound as i step on them. Finding that very special part was really what ive veen longing today. 

And here it is! In front of my very eyes. 😊

The pond.

As i put my basket on the stone, i immediately undressed my wrobe.
I dip my body on the pond..

Ahhhhhhhh.. What a sattisfying feeling.

I wont  continue this story, unless theres no comments. Kidding!
Silent readers? Pls shout a voice 😲😲😲😲😲😲😲

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