1} Funeral

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Mama, Charlotte, Andre, Dad and I were in the kitchen and mom coming in.
"Hey mom" we all greeted. Dad was on the phone so he couldn't greet mom properly "Hey, is something wrong?" Mom asked "I-It'll be alright. Hey-hey I made  the pumpkin risotto that we saw on Rachel Rays season of summer special"  he finished grinning. "It's awful mom" Charlotte said "It taste like roadkill" Andre said "I think he's trying to kill us" I said. "Here how they talk to me, say something" dad replied. "You know that your father is working hard to this tidy house and three times a day to cook food." Mom started but was cut off by dad "Hello" He but in "By the way" Mom said getting our attention "I bought pizza!" She said and all cheered but dad whilst mom was sliding the pizza on the table dad was getting in a strop about the pizza and his food then stomped upstairs. A few minutes later mom said that were going to a funeral for a few days and to pack our clothes because were leaving tonight, after packing our clothes we went to bed.


We were the before some of dads friends. Then we saw a big car park up with 5 people hopping out of it most of them wearing sunglasses, they must be the Feders. Dad and Lenny hugged and made jokes, dad told us to speak to speak to Lenny's kids. We all walked up and I said "Hey" smiling they all turned around and looked a little scared. Dad was right they haven't seen black people in years. "I'm Sasha and I'm 14 and this is my younger brother Andre he's 13 and our younger sister Charlotte who's 12" I said. "Uh. I'm Greg I'm 14 next week, my little brother Keithie he's 12 and our little sister Becky she's 4"  he smiled. Charlotte pointed out that there was another family with kids coming up to the church Andre wanted to stay and talk to Greg so Charlie and I walked up to the other children and introduced ourselves "Hi I'm Sasha and I'm 14 and my younger brother Andre over there is 13 and this is my younger sister Charlotte who's 12" I said again. "Hey. I'm Donna I'm 12 and this is  Bean he's 4" I smiled at her "Its nice to meet you" I said "Guys come on were going inside" mom called heading into the church. 


We sat down and another one for dads friends Rob started to horribly sing mom, dad, Andre, Charlotte and I started to snicker because he got down onto his knees. After he was singing dads friend Higgins did a buzzer sound and Rob got frustrated saying
"Grow up will you!" then sat down in his seat next to his mom. Lenny got up and did his speech and was clearly nervous and began to make jokes with his friends.


 After the funeral we drove to the 1978 lake house and stared in awe I smiled when I saw the big lake, at least I can get my swimming done. The group of us walked into the lake house and someone asked who gets what room and Rob said that he created a map for who gets what room, then mentioned him and Gloria (His wife!) doing he backstroke? Lenny then refused to have the master bedroom and gave it to the kids, which was totally cool. We all got in and sorted out our stuff out. 


Nikki Maxwell

Word count: 686

A/N I'm not from America, I'm actually from the UK so if I put 'mum' instead of 'mom' hopefully you don't get confused.
FRENSHIP - Capsize (feat. Emily Warren

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