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Aly- cool

Aly- also i heard of this Arcade had just opened a few days ago

A- oh i heard of it 2

F- dat sound awesome can we go plzzz

A- sure babe~

Aly- ~squeel~ (srry bad spelling)

A- hmmm?


Aly - just ship u guys

F- well umm Yayyyyyy let go!

Time skip

F- wow so big

Aly- yea

A- ~nod~

All- ~go inside~

F- wow it really loud with the music

F- hey also wat is this place called?\

Aly- it called ROUND 1

also ive been to round 1 before it near where i live

F- cool

A- hey i saw a sigh when we were coming in it said there is a bolling ally

Aly- can we go there at the end

Alec- k little sis well wat do u want 2 do

Aly- idk

F- how about dat place over there

by dat place i mean is when u roll a ball & try to get it in the middle of the hoops or try to get the 100 300 ones in the far left & right corners also i m great a dat game

A- sure

time skip

F- haha i win i got 100,000 points

Aly & Alec- aww

F- it okay u will some day

A- hey!

Time skip

A- well let go 2 the ally

Aly- no

F- y not

Aly- ask Alec

A- one time we were bolling and someone somehow dropped a bunch of bolling balls on Aly foot and had to get a cast 4 her

F- ohب_ب

A- it not going to happen again let play

Aly- k

Time skip

Aly - dat was fun

F- yea but can we eat

A- sure there is a restaurant over there

Time skip AGAIN

A- dat was fun

Aly- yea

A- hey Funneh want me 2 drive u back home? after Aly

F- sure

All- get in car

Time skip AGAIN

A- well bye Funneh

F- by sweet heart ~kiss cheek ~

well in this story there is a silly amount of Time skips in this story

Funneh x Alec | yandere high [COMPLEATE]Where stories live. Discover now