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[ Eunmin P.O.V ] 

"Shownu oppa,you did'nt hear what I'm saying just now right?" - Eunmin

"I'm hear what you're saying just now." - Shownu

'You're done Eunmin!' - Eunmin

"I did'nt mean to say that to you.Mianhe." - Eunmin

"Gwenchana.Hahaha you're blushing too hard." - Shownu

"Me?Blushing?Aniyo." - Eunmin

     Suddenly,the barista arrived at our table and place our orders on the table.I thanks to the barista.They talked about random thing then they realised that it's already night.They go out from the cafe and stand outside the cafe.

"So,where do you live?I'll drive you home." - Shownu

"Hmm gwenchana.I'll walk." - Eunmin

"I did'nt allowed you to walk alone.It's dangerous for girls like you.I'll drive you home okay?" - Shownu

"Arraseo Shownu oppa." - Eunmin

"Kaja!" - Shownu

     They walk to Shownu car then enter the car.He start the car engine and start drive to my house.

"Where do you live?" - Shownu

"17,Gangnam-gu." - Eunmin

"Woah,my house in your neighbourhood." - Shownu

"Jinjja?What's your house number?" - Eunmin

"25,Gangnam-gu." - Shownu

     After 15 minutes driving,finally they arrived at my house.I look at him.

"Gomawo Shownu oppa for treat me coffee and send me home." - Eunmin

"No problem." - Shownu

"Hmm.Annyeong Shownu oppa." - Eunmin

     I want to open the car door but he suddenly hold my arm.I look back at him.

"Ne?" - Eunmin

"Take care and don't go sleep late.Call me or message me if you need anything.I'll always help you.Goodbye Eunmin." - Shownu

     I nod and smile to him.Then,I shocked when he kiss me.OMO HE WAS KISSING ME RIGHT NOW.I DID'NT HOW TO REACT.He slowly pull back and look at me.

"Hmm..I got to go.Annyeong Shownu oppa." - Eunmin

"Annyeong Eunmin." - Shownu

     I quickly get out from the car and go inside my house.I closed the door and peek at window and see Shownu car slowly dissapeared from her sight.I go upstairs and enter my bedroom.I touch my lips when I remember the scene.

'He was my first kiss.His lips was so sweet.' - Eunmin

     I take a shower then wear my pajamas.I take my phone and get out from my bedroom.I got to my brother room and knock his door first before entering.

"Oppa." - Eunmin

"Ne.Eunmin,just enter the room." - Hyungwon

     I open the door then I sit at his bed.He was looking at me.

"Oppa,can I sleep with you?" - Eunmin

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"Oppa,can I sleep with you?" - Eunmin

"Yes you can babygirl.Come here." - Hyungwon

"Yayyyy." - Eunmin

     I quickly go sit beside him.I always sleep with him because I'm scared to sleep alone.Our parents always not at home because the busy with their business at other country.I always comfortable when sleep with him because he always make me calm.I'm very clingy to him and like to cuddle with him because he was so squishy (hahahaha i did'nt know what to write so I write Hyungwon was squishy).Yeah I know,not many people have a good relationship with their  brother but I seriously have a good relationship with my brother.Everytime I go out,many people mistaken us as a couple.

"Eunmin,do you want to watch movie?" - Hyungwon

"Aniyo.I feel tired and sleepy.I want to sleep." - Eunmin

"Arraseo.Let's sleep." - Hyungwon

     He lay me on the bed and cover us using the blanket/duvet.He hug me on the waist and kiss me on the forehead.

He hug me on the waist and kiss me on the forehead

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"Goodnight oppa." - Eunmin

"Goodnight babygirl." - Hyungwon

[ Shownu P.O.V ]

"Gomawo Shownu oppa for treat me coffee and send me home." - Eunmin

"No problem." - Shownu

"Hmm.Annyeong Shownu oppa." - Eunmin

     I saw she want to open the car door but I quickly hold her arm.She look at me.I look at her lips.It's pale pink and look sweet.Omo what I'm thinking.

"Ne?" - Eunmin

"Take care and don't go sleep late.Call me or message me if you need anything.I'll always help you.Goodbye Eunmin." - Shownu

     She nod and smile.Okay I need to do this.Slowly,I kiss her lips.It's taste sweet.I look he was shocked at first then she seems relaxed.Then,I released the kiss slowly.I see she was blushing.

"Hmm..I got to go.Annyeong Shownu oppa." - Eunmin

"Annyeong Eunmin." - Shownu

     I see she quickly get out from the car and enter her house.I look she was peek at me through the window.I smile and drive home.

'I kiss her today.She was my first kiss.' - Shownu

< a/n >

Annyeong my lovely readers.I hope you will like this chapter.I'm sorry for the bad and wrong grammar.Btw,I promise you that I will do a shoutout in this chapter but I forgot to find the person.I'm sorry but I'll try find the person first then post it on next chapter.Can you all give me response about this book/ff.Comment on this chapter about how your opinion on this ff.Did you like this ff or not.I hope you can give me response.Love you my lovely readers!

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