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"You were mine for a night—" Michael scratched down the lyrics sloppily, trying to configure music to go with them. "I was out of my mind.." He sighed and tossed the notebook to the floor. He'd been writing alone for hours, the boys were supposed to join him but they never came. "Have they called?"

"No and they aren't going to, Michael." The bodyguard sighed, looking at the boy worriedly. He felt bad that his band mates failed to make Michael aware that they wouldn't be showing up today. He hated having to tell him.

"Can we go home then?" He nodded, stepping out of the room ready to lead Michael to the van waiting. He was used to this, his band mates not showing for practice and writing sessions, it happened more than Michael wanted to admit.

The four all shared a house, though they hardly saw each other. Michael usually spent his time in his room or at the beach just outside their backdoor. That was the only thing Michael had that reminded him of home; the beaches.

"Michael! Thank god you're home, look at what's trending!" Ashton exclaimed, shoving his phone into Michael's face. The hashtag 5SOSForever was trending number two in America. Michael gently pushed the device away and shrugged, "Its the third week is been trending! Gosh thought you'd be more excited."

"I am! See!" He put on his most convincing excited face but to no avail.

"Calum will be excited. I'm going to show him." Before Michael could reply Ashton took off upstairs. He sighed and walked out the backdoor, walking down the his spot on the beach.

The boys used to be close, when they were younger. Sometimes Michael wishes they could go back to those days, go back to this all just being a afterschool mess around. He loved what they'd achieved but he didn't want them to be so distant.

"Mind if i join you?" Michael looked up seeing Luke smiling faintly down at him.

"Course." Luke nodded and took a seat next to the boy, pulling his knees up to his chest. Michael glanced over at him, the boys eyes were out at sea, but when were they not. Like always had this distance to his gaze, almost like he wasn't really present in the world. "Surprised you aren't out with the guys."

"They're in the game room, too engrossed in a Fifa tournament," The blond chuckled softly, "You got home kinda late."

"I was at the studio," Michael mumbled, playing with the sand to his right, "Working."

Luke nodded slowly, but didn't say anything. He knew that Michael needed them today but yet he still didn't show up. He felt bad, but their life is so different now.

"We have an interview tomorrow morning, the van will be here at 6."

"I'm aware." Michael had known about the interview for a week, he's actually quite surprised Luke knew anything of it — let alone told Michael about it. "We're supposed to talk about the album."

Luke nods, looking over at Michael, "Richie has a script for us, so we don't give anything way."

Richie was the bands 'interview manager', a self recognized title. He really didn't have any other purpose but to make sure the boys didn't spill everything to the greedy media and press. Michael hates him, but he's not aloud to say it.

"It's a good one, i've got a copy for you. It's on the kitchen counter."


"No problem, i'm gonna head inside. Get some sleep Mike." Luke smiled at his bandmate before standing up and heading inside. Michael sighed, rubbing his hands over his face. In all honesty, if he was aloud, Michael would tell the media everything, how the band isn't even a band really, how their interviews are scripted, everything. He loves the boys, more than anything, but he's tired of secrets. That's all their lives are built on, lies and secrets.

Michael slowly stood up, looking at the ocean one last time before heading inside. He grabbed the script off the table, mumbling a few curse words before walking up the stairs to his room, locking the door behind him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2016 ⏰

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