Unnoticed Rejection

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"What?!" he screamed.

Kaito seriously was in shock. Petrified even. He didn't see this coming. Seriously didn't. He didn't plan this either. His Poker Face was down and couldn't get back up no matter what he did.

They can't be serious, Kaito thought, feeling horrified at the fact that his classmates- betrayers, Kaito growled inwardly- had not-so-politely put Kaito's name as a waiter...

Who crossdressed...

Kaito is doomed for sure. Surely there will be some perverted people trying to touch him in such a disgusting manner. Ohmygawd! No! Kaito shuddered at that thought alone.

"No." Kaito growled loudly, giving everyone a deathly glare, which they flinched visibly. Thank you, Kaito thought a little smugly.

"I refuse to freakin' crossdress as a waiter out of your desperation. If anything, ask Hakuba to do it."

Hakuba let out a strangled squeak. "Me?! I can't crossdress, Kuroba. I look horrible in it." he retorted irridiculously.

"Then? Find someone else who will volunteer to crossdressed." he snarled. Damn his Poker Face and all. He don't really care anymore. He was seriously mad at everybody. How dare they...

He ain't gonna crossdressed for that. What d'you all think he is? A prostitute?

"Kaito, please... You're our one and only hope. Everyone else already had their parts of the class cafe play. Please, Kaito..." Aoko begged.

Kaito can't do this. His resolvation won't- dammit! It's crumbling! Aoko knows when to strike a spot! Really?! No! Poker Face, Kuroba! Where did your goddamn Poker Face gone to?!

Kaito sighed as he glanced over Saguru, who adverts his eyes elsewhere as quickly as possible to Aoko who is now blinking profusely, trying to be cute.

"You're gonna be the death of me one day." Kaito muttered. Aoko smiled widely and hugged Kaito, tight. "Yes! Thank you!" she cheered and Kaito huffed in dismay.

Everybody in the class cheered too. Saguru had let out a brief smile of relief. Akako look at the magician with amusement in her eyes.

"Thank Sherlock." Saguru mumbled under his breath.

So after they had sort out everything the cafe needed, the only they needed to do now is only wait for the day itself to come so that they could get over it.

The play is tomorrow and they- Kaito will kill them one day- had picked a pretty, lacey, fitting, revealing and black pink maid dress for Kaito, much to his mortification. Perfected with the medium high heels and a pretty pink bow to placed it to his hair later.

They also said that the girls, who were experts in make up-ing will light make up him. With pink glossy lipstick! Kaito will surely die. Sooner or later.

Though, Kaito reassure them that he could do that all by himself. Kaito shoots a very heavy dagger glares when they started to object.

Aoko had snorts in laughter while Saguru only sent him a simple apologetic smile. Akako grinned evilly in return.

The dress fall just by the middle of his thighs. He have to wear a knee-long transparent stockings to cover his legs. From his toes to his knees only, that is. His thighs will be reveal though. Well, some parts of his thigh...

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