thunkz beb

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We're standing there in shock at what just happened

"Hello can you please tell me where we can find your ruler" Ponyboy the alien stuttered

"Yeah they're right in the mountain range of my left nut" I told him

"And vhere can ve find tat???" The confused ship guy asked

"Right around the corner of your moms asshole" I answered and highfived Soda

"Well it's getting late can we maybe stay with you guys for now possibly" said Ponyboy

"Sure our doors are always open" said Soda brightly

"Thunkz beb" The sexy shipman said to Soda with a wink

 *that night*

The shipmans POV:

Sodapop is very yes indeedily as za earthlings call it a sexy mofo 

Ponyboys POV:

The general uses slang incorrectly sometimes, what he means by "a sexy mofo" is a good friend.

"OHHHHHH PONYYYYYYY VHERE ARE MY BAGELS YOU SEXY MOFO" yelled that gosh dang sexy shipman

"In my asshole, come get em" I yelled beck

"vhaaaaaaatttttt" he said back

that was when it..happened......

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