Chapter Three

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Setelah ia mengirimkan pesannya kepada Alex, ia mengembalikkan handphone ku. Oh ya, Alex itu adalah manager Greyson. Lalu, Greyson mengajakku untuk makan siang sembari menunggu pesan balasan dari Alex.

"What would you like to order?"

"Eh? You know all the food on the menu? And did you know how to order?"
"Because I think the waiters cant speak english"

"Hahaha... I actually don't know all the food on the menu and I don't know how to order because I cant speak Indonesian and so.. yeah its better if you order the food"

"Hahaha I know right"

Aku memesankan 2 buah burger untukku, dan Greyson. Cuaca sekarang cukup panas, maka dari itu aku memesan Ice Chocolate. Tapi, Greyson malah sebaliknya, ia memesan kopi panas (Hot Coffee Chocolate). Sekarang, aku tinggal menunggu hingga pesananku datang.

"Did you get a reply from Alex?"

"Nope.. there's no notification"

"Oh okay.."

"Thanks for helping me by the way"

"My pleasure!"

"Hey wait.. you haven't told me what's your name"

"Oh really? Uhmm so.. yea.. my name is Cinta Arasantika Putri"

"Pardon me?"

"Ahahaha.. just call me Cinta"

"Hahaha alright, Chin..chin..ta?"

"Yeah that's right. Cinta! hahaha"

    Tidak lama kemudian, pesanan kami datang.

"Uhmm Greyson?"


"I didn't see you make a tweet since 2 days ago"
"Why you didn't tell your fans that you're in Indonesia right now?"

"I'm so busy lately and I just got here last night. But actually, I want to tell my fans tonight because I want to make a surprise for my Indonesian enchancers"

"Aww! Hahaha.. you did it! I'm really surprised!"

"I thought they deserve it, know right? I said that I'm going to Indonesia and Philipines soon. But suddenly I announced that I'm just going to Philipines, and I think that makes Indonesian enchancers disappointed on me. So..yeah that's it"

"Yeah.. Honestly I'm a little bit disappointed on you and of course universal music Indonesia. But its okay, you know.. I already met you! Haha..."

"And  I'm so happy that I can have a lunch with one of my..." Ucapannya terpotong olehku,

"Hey Alex replied it!"

"What he said? Let me see"

    Dia mengambil handphone ku, lalu ia membalas pesan Alex. Dan Greyson bilang, Alex akan datang kesini. Sembari menunggu Alex datang, aku kembali berbincang – bincang dengannya. Tidak lama kemudian, Alex datang.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"I just have a lunch, why are you guys leaving me???"

"We're not leaving you, you're just gone from us"

"I think, they're not leaving you G. It's just because you're hide yourself from them and you lost them, and they also lost you."

"What the fuck are you doing dude?!" Tanya salah seorang pria, yang mungkin itu adalah temannya Greyson.

"i.. I just..."

"It was an accident, he doesn't instead to disappear from the group. He just want to kidding before, he wants to make you guys confuse and looking for him. But then.."

"He lost us, we lost him" Ucap pria itu yang memotong perkataanku.


"I'm sorry guys, I'm really sorry. Like what she said, I was kidding before. I don't mean to..."

"That's not funny at all" Ucap pria itu lagi.

"That's ridiculous dude"  Ucap Alex sedikit kesal.

"Sorry, it was an accident"

"Stop being childish!" Pria itu mulai emosi.

"Hey.. guys stop..calm down" Aku berusaha untuk menenangkan keadaan,

" I said sorry!"

"Guys.. C'mon, stop it!" Aku membentak, dan semuanya terdiam menatapku.
"Sorry I didn't mean to interfere your business, but I think there's no a problem anymore. Because you already found him, and greyson already found you. And Greyson had apologized to you. So, what's the problem?"

"Yeah she's right" Ucap Alex yang setuju denganku.

"But...ugh damn it!" Ucap pria itu menahan emosinya.

"Who the fuck are you?"

"Hey! Take care with your words!" Ucap Greyson membentak.

"Well, I'm Cinta. I'm really sorry if you think that I've interfered with your business. I just met Greyson in the toilet, and he asked me for help. He said that he lost from Alex and his phone was died, and then he borrowed my phone to contact Alex. So I lent my phone to him. And While waiting for Alex's reply,  we have a lunch here." Aku menjelaskan kejadian yang sebenarnya terjadi.

"Ohhh.. Thankyou so much! You helped him" Alex berterimakasih kepadaku.

"Yeah.. with my pleasure :)"

"Uhmm.. hey I'm so sorry cz I'm being rude earlier and thankyou for helping him"

"And by the way, I'm Bryan" Ucapnya sambil mengulurkan tangannya.

"With my pleasure and yeah.. nevermind it's okay Bryan, nice to meet you" Ucapku sambil menjabat tangannya.

"Nice to meet you too :)"

"I'm so hungry" Ucap Alex sambil memegangi perutnya.

"Me too, let's lunch here" Ucap Bryan.

"I think I'll go somewhere"

"Where the fuck are you going?!"

"I just want to try some of the rides around while waiting for you guys lunch" Jelas Greyson.

"No" Ucap Alex sesingkat mungkin.

"Hell why?"

"I don't wanna lose you again, just wait until we finish our lunch then we'll try some of the  vehicle together"

"What? No!"


"I'll go with Cinta so I will not disappear  from you guys again"

"What? I don't even kno...." Ucapanku terpotong oleh Greyson.

"She's from here, and I think she already knows all the place around here. So what do you think, Alex? Is it okay?"

"Okay but only thirty minutes. And you'll back here again"


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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2017 ⏰

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