Chapter Five

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Whisperpaw heaved his fore-legs up, ready to learn about herbs. He waited for this moment a long time. His eyes were on her and his ears were perked. Leaffur smiled and walked over to the herb pile.

" This is a cobweb, " She held up a wad of white, sticky web. " We use them for stopping blood but first we apply, " She held up a plant that looked like a flower, " a poultice of comfrey to soothe wounds. "

Whisperpaw sniffed the cobweb and comfrey. He got use to their different scent and paid back attention.

" Now, you must apply the poultice and cobweb very carefully as not to hurt the injured. '' Leaffur pointed out.

Whisperpaw yawned. Soon. So soon. He would be a fully trained medicine cat!

The day had been of peace, being a medicine cat wasn't all bad.  Whisperpaw ate a mouse, then dragged himself to sun-bask on a rock. Then, he saw a kit, a smoky black she-kit looking at him.

"You must be?" He yawned. He wondered why the kit looked at him so curiously, he was in the clans for three moons! Whisperpaw thinks it's Nightkit, the first litter of a beautiful brown she-cat, Brindlefeather. 

"I-I'm Nightkit.. I'm just.... I'm not aloud to talk to you. My father says rouge-cats are dangerous." Nightkit stammered. Whisperpaw was confused. Who was her father? Probably Blackstripe. He always hated me. Whisperpaw chuckled.

"Why? I'm not a rouge anymore!" Whisperpaw meowed.

"My father said that once a rouge cat, forever bad-blooded." Nightkit answered shyly.

"He always said that! I was the first to congratulate him, but he still hates me! Tell him he can have ants in his pelt if he tells you I'm dangerous." Whisperpaw snorted. His two back legs laid motionless, and behind him, a little squeak of surprise was let out.

"So, he really doesn't feel from the back!" A little brown tabby tom mewed in awe.

"Oh, so little Tigerkit thought he could sneak up behind me? Nightkit, why did you let your brother do that?" Whisperpaw laughed.

"It was a trick! But, Blackstripe does say that about you. But I won't listen!" Nightkit squealed as she climbed on top of him.

Whisperpaw realized that he loved kits more than anything. Well, except his clan. But he knew he couldn't have them, he was a medicine cat, not a warrior. He played with the two all day, the other three kits from the Breezeclan nursery peered out, one he knew didn't like him from an icy stare.

"All right, it's Moon-rise you two! Go to your mother! Brindlefeather will claw me if she found out you two are past bed-time." Whisperpaw ushered them. He realized them that tonight was a half moon. His excitement went all over as he heard Leaffur call him. She said today he might be made an official!

"Eat the traveling herbs, you're having a long night tonight." Leaffur's gentle purr went into his ears. He loved the taste of traveling herbs, his mentor said he was the only one and his leader said he was jealous.

Once he had eaten them, they trekked off. They met at Clan Clearing, where all the clans gathered. He's been there multiple times, the leaders didn't anything interesting yet. Dogleaf, Lightningclan's medicine cat came with his apprentice, Mousetail. Whisperpaw sniffed the forest scent on the two, then a river scent flooded his nose. Fishstream, Streamclans' medicine cat came with her shining silver coat. A third, and last, medicine cat came out of nowhere, Nightpelt came out of the shadows and greeted the others, he made the longest trek, from Shadeclan. He greeted them with his croaky voice, and his apprentice, Croakpaw, mewed a greeting.

"Everyone's here. Tonight is special, tonight, Whisperpaw, Breezeclan's future medicine cat, gets his new medicine cat name!" Leaffur announced when they got to the High Peak. The cave that led to the Star Stone looked smaller than before. 

"Let's go then!" Nightpelt snorted.  He padded in, the glow of the Star Stone was beautiful.  Whisperpaw smelled the scent of mingled clan scents. The Star Stone was underneath a huge hole in the High Peak, and is in a clearing. It was bigger than a two-leg nest.

"Press your noses to it after I close this ceremony. Whisperpaw, go up and press your nose to the Star Stone. Then close your eyes. You should fall asleep immediately. Don't be afraid of the dream." Leaffur pressed.

Whisperpaw laid next to the Star Stone, and touched noses with it's smooth cold surface. He closed his eyes, the noises of Leaffur saying now they can, too, touch noses drowned out as he slept. He was at Clan Clearing, he was in the middle. Then the stars seem to come down from the sky and turn into cats. He met them before, and he greeted two, but one seemed to be oldest of them all.

"Meet Strikestar. He is the eldest of all leaders for many generations. Tales keep him here." Leaffur appeared beside him.

"Hello, Leaffur. Now, Your apprentice, Whisperpaw, now has the knowledge to be a full medicine cat." Strikestar continued. "From now on, From the privileges and rarity, your new name is Whisperpool." Strikestar dipped his head. "It is done."

Whisperpool heard his name called through the whole of Moonclan cats, he realized that the other medicine cats and apprentices were there, cheering for him. His life was good.

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