Chapter four

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I wake up with a bad headache and start searching for my phone. When I have my phone I see that I have a few dm's from Calum.

"How long?" I ask my best friend, Jazlyn. "A day." She answers me and I sigh. "Your phone has been lighting up a few times." She says and I give her a nod. "I know, Calum send me a few dm's." I say then. "Calum? Like Calum Hood?" She asks me and I nod again.

"So that's a check on your to do list?" She asks me after a few seconds of thinking. "Yeah, it is. I just need to do a few things." I say. "Wich one?" She asks me.

~Get a follow from somebody of 5SOS ✅
~Go to the beach ✅
~ Meet 5SOS
~ See 5SOS in concert
~ Play guitar ✅
~ Play guitar with a band ✅
~ Go to a theme park with Jazlyn ✅

I look down at my list for a few minutes and then react. "Only meeting 5SOS and see them in concert." I answer her and she looks at me with a nice smile.

"I'm sure you'll work that out." I hear Seth say then. "Yeah." Jazlyn says in agreement. "I don't know." I say with a sigh. "Hey, never lose hope, Allison." Seth says and then starts coughing blood. Immediatly I give him the pot for the blood.

"Alright?" Jazlyn asks and has a scared look on her face. "Yeah, I'm fine." Seth says but I can see the pain on his face. "Seth, are you sure? Do I need to call..." "No, don't call the nurse. I'm fine." He says, interrupting me.

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