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Self-harm is bad itself, like why cause yourself more pain than what you're already going through. I know a few of my friends who do self-harm and it honestly hurts me...

When my friends do self-harm it makes me feel like I'm not doing my job as a friend. I've thought about it. When I'm in a deep struggle I'm close to taking a knife and cutting, but I always stop myself. Why? That's a good question. I always stop because I always remember there is still one person out in the world who still loves me. When I feel unwanted I can somehow remind myself that there are many people in the world that love me. So when my friends purposely hurt themselves I feel like they don't know I can help and that I'm there for them. I feel like I haven't done a good job I'm proving that I love them and that if no one else is there then I will be. That's why I've never been fond of self-harm.

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