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Chapter 1
(365 days after Finn)
Rachels pov:
"Hi , my name is Rachel Hudson and 365 days ago I fell in love with a man who taught me how to live again . Finn was sarcastic but sweet , funny but gentle , he could always make me smile just by telling me hello. When I first met Finn I thought he was a complete jerk, one of those know it alls , and though, at times he could be , he was also sincere and loving . Finn taught me how to live again , he gave me confidence and he made me take risk that I never thought in a million years I would take . I stand today the mother of his child , blessed that I gotten the privilege of being able to fall in love with a man like him and I wouldn't have it any other way."

(1 year ago)
"Beep!Beep!Beeeeepppppp!!!!!!" My alarm clock went off as I rolled over groaning .

"Go away!" I yelled hitting it.

I sighed and opened my eyes to see it was 10 o'clock .

"Oh no! I'm late!" I yelled and I quickly got up and rushed to get ready.

I quickly put my hair in a bun and ran down stairs.

"Rachel we're  going to be late , again!" My roomate Quinn yelled.

"I'm ready!" I said grabbing my work bad and we left for another day at Grey-Sloan Memorial Hospital.

(20 minutes later )
"Goodmorning Dr.Berry, Dr.Fabray." Dr. Bailey said.

"Morning Dr.Bailey."  We said getting in the elevator.

The elevator opened as we started our daily routine again .

"Berry you're on Yangs service today, Fabray you're with me." Dr.Grey said.

"Alright lets do this. " She said and walked off with Quinn.

I rolled my eyes because the thought of being on Yangs service made me nauseated.  Cristina Yang was one of the top Cardiothoracic surgeon here at Grey- Sloan but she was also quite a bitch but she was also my mentor.

"You're late again Berry." Yang said coming over to me.

"Sorry Dr.Yang." I said not really meaning it.

"Oh hush just let start rounds and be quiet unless I speak to you." She said.

I rolled my eyes and followed her .

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