Chapter 6:Merida's Fall

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Merida aimed her arrow at a red "X" on a dummy's head.

She release the bow and hits the middle perfectly.

"You're good"Hiccup compliments

She rolls her eyes
"Thanks,I guess"

She aims at a swinging target and shoots, hitting the middle perfectly once again.

"I don't think I've ever seen you miss a target."He says

She turns to him and shoots her arrow inches away from his face.

"I never miss"She says letting her bow down.

"O-kay"He nods as he watches her walk to a bench on the side of the training room, drinking a little bit of water.

He follows at sits beside her.

"Why do you ignore me?"He asks

"Didn't I just acknowledge your presence by talking?"She asks

"And shooting an arrow at me"

"But did it kill you?"She asks

"You're mean"

"I know"

She gets up and gives Hiccup a salute.
"See ya later, dragon boy"

She walks out of the training room.

Hiccup sat there, processing what just happened.

"Merida talked to you?"A voice asked

Hiccup turned around to see Jack leaning on a wall.

"Yeah"Hiccup nodded

Jack chuckled
"It's an improvement, looks like she's warming up to you

Merida walked along the halls, her fingers dragging on the walls.

"Come to me..."
The voice came out as a melodic whisper.

Merida was confused and spooked. She walked towards the voice with a brave face.

She gasps as she turns the corner of the hall.

"Are you sure?"Jack asks Hiccup

"I don-"

"AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!"Hiccup was cut off by a scream

Jack and Hiccup look at each other.They ran out of the training room,following the echo.

"What's happening?"Elsa and Rapunzel came out of he kitchen and ran along the two boys.

Hiccup paused, he looked at them.

"Merida!"He exclaimed

They ran as fast as they could to the source of the scream.

They gasped as they saw Merida on the floor. There was a mark on the wall.

Hiccup knelt down and grabbed Merida's hand. He sighed in relief as he felt her pulse. It was beating.

"She's alive, just passed out"He says

They nod. It was silent as they saw Hiccup staring up at the stone wall.

"Hicc?"Jack asks

"There's an impression on the wall"Hiccup points to the stone wall Merida's body was pressed against

"Which means?"Jack asks,confused

"It means that Merida was thrown to the wall"Elsa hit Jack's arm,who winced in pain
"Honestly Jack, I never knew you could be so stupid"

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