Awakening and Advil

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I wake up, finally. My head pounds and then I notice a warmth around me as I look around an unfamiliar place I had never seen before.

"Hhmmph.." I mumble softly as I try to sit up but then look down to see an arm around me and a man fallen asleep next to me.

"Oh god. No. I got drunk and slept with a guy I don't even know!" I started panicking, "shit! No no no no! I shouldn't have gone to the bar!"

Suddenly the guy yawned and then opened his eyes, "Oh- i... fell asleep.." he mumbled then looked at me, "You're awake... are you.. ok?"

I looked at him, at least I chose to sleep with someone attractive... unless... I didn't sleep with him... we were both fully clothed... "Uh..." I couldn't really answer. No. I'm not okay my head is pounding so loud I can barely hear you and I'm very confused, "I'm... fine.."

He smiled softly, "You sure... you were pretty drunk.." he chuckled, "Oh- I never introduced myself... I'm Emmet.."

I smiled softly, "Just emmet?.."

He smiled, "Im not very fond of my last name so I don't want to spread it around" he laughed softly.

Shit his laugh was cute. Damn... what am I thinking all I know is his first name and how cute he is. I simply nodded and bit my lip, "Uh- nothing weird happened between us, right...?" I asked.

He shook his head, "Ha. I wouldn't be a gentlemen if I were to have taken advantage of you being in that state... plus, that could ruin my reputation.."


"Oh- nothing..." he laughed softly.

Something was off... hiding his last name... and something about reputation...? I shrugged it off and smiled, "I'm Zoe by the way... and I'll tell you my last name when I feel like it" I laughed softly.

Emmet's POV: 

"Im Zoe by the way... and I'll tell you my last name when I feel like it" she laughed.

Damn. Her laugh was as adorable as she was. I noticed I had my arm around her and quickly separated my arm from her waist, "Uh- sorry.. I must have done that when I fell asleep... you should be more careful when you drink.." I laughed softly.

She smiled, "yeah... sorry you had to deal with my stupid drunk self" she mumbled "I'm not much of a heavy weight.."

I smiled, "I'm Irish and I have the same problem. Don't worry about it" I said, "So... how old are you..?"

"I'm eighteen... you..?"

Shit.. she's quite young... but I guess I should have guessed that... she looks pretty youthful.

"I'm twenty-six.." I said, "So... where do you come from..?"

She laughed, "We playing twenty questions..?"

I shrugged, "Maybe.." i smirked, "Its not bad to get to know someone you just saved."


"Well, you almost fell down the steps at the bar... you're lucky I caught you, miss Zoe"

She giggled at my reply then covered her mouth, "Crap! I didn't pick up my luggage!"

I laughed, "So.. you're clumsy even without being drunk..?"

She hit my arm playfully, "I'm serious! I have all my clothes there-- and my credit card..."

I smiled, "I can bring you shopping...?"

"I don't have my card.."

"I'm not too broke to help you out..."

She sighed, "No, no you shouldn't use your money on me.."

I smiled, "Nah, come on. I got this"

She looked up at me, her blue eyes glittering, the green ridge around her pupil and gold flecks making her eyes look like planet earth itself. Beautiful..

"Take a picture it'll last longer Emmet" she said playfully.

I blushed, "Oh- sorry... you're eyes are really pretty" I laughed

She smiled, "Why, thank you, sir.."

"No problem, m'lady"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2016 ⏰

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