shadow of a lost memory

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  • Dedicated to Mitali Mokashi

CHAPTER 2 - SHADOW of a lost memory (one more question)

I tried to adjust my eyelids and blinked twice till I was fully awake and vigilant. I tried to gather all my senses and memory which was difficult after such a crazy and topsy turvy day. Two unexpected blackouts in one day, what is happening to me? I think, yawn and stretch my hands. Suddenly,There was a squeaking and creaking noise near the window and the noise of hair sweeping with the wind.  

I shook my head furiously making sure that  I haven't gotten mad .I then asked myself how can I hear the movement of hair from here? I then slowly crept towards the window, A vision of a silhouette possibly of a girl 5 foot 5 inches floated towards me. However, there was nothing inside the silhouette. It was like a shadow, but in air instead of the ground. Hair stood on the end of my wrist and I felt tickles and static electricity flowing over me.

"Who, no what are you? Are you a ghost? Am I daydreaming?" questions streamed out of my mouth like a river.

In reply came a tired laugh, a laugh that seemed like a cough that was taking a lot of energy.

"I see your power has started to rise..You can hear me. This power has made you envision me as well. I thought I would be able to escape from here easily, but it seems sadly you have caught me. Now, to answer all your questions, thank god you only asked three or else I would have collapsed from the weakness. OK, so now answer time ...."  she took a pause to take a deep breath and gathered more stamina and continued, "I am not a ghost, a ghost is just a figment of everyone's imagination, who exactly I am you will come to know when the time comes and when your power gets the ultimate spark. For the last question, no unfortunately you caught me and you are not daydreaming and no more questions now. “She gasped for breath, it was as if she was continuously running a huge marathon and after an hour she stopped for breath. 

"When the time comes....."I repeated her line and continued. “You are making it so easy for me. My head is now clouded with more mysteries thanks to whoever you are", I said sarcastically.

"I know it is very difficult for you , so many things in one day. It has taken a lot of energy to be here and my life depends on it. It is destined that you will know in your own time. You will figure it out when your power becomes immerse”. She paused again for air and continued for the last time.

“I can't stay for long, my stamina is collapsing, to even bring myself here took so much energy and I don’t want to confuse you more. So to make the long story short, everything will be cleared when you will see me in reality, some answers you will figure out before that but will still be a little perplexed ."

" Therefore, It will be really good if you forget this instance as this instance was a mistake. If you dwell on this, your questions will increase and your confusion would never end. Trying to know everything in advance will cause you great pain and remorse.” She finished and then started muttering to herself about something and blew wind in my ears.

My heart was beating rapidly as if  lightning was fighting against the strong winning tides or waves.

It seemed like a scene from a deadly horror movie in which I was the star.

She then said her farewell sentence, “in a few seconds your memory of this instance will vanish. So, goodbye see you soon in flesh and hope the power and meaning of your soul grows every day and you get stronger every day.” Saying this she was off like a breeze. I know she went because I didn’t hear any more sound of her existence after that.

Few seconds after that, I felt a huge electromagnetic tugging sensation and I experienced an enormous vertigo.

I suddenly remembered this quote that my grandfather must have read somewhere, ‘You have to begin to lose your memory, if only in bits and pieces, to realize that memory is what makes our lives. Life without memory is no life at all, just as intelligence without the possibility of expression is not really intelligence. Our memory is our coherence, our reason, our feeling, even our action. Without it, we are nothing.’  

I forgot everything at that instant and my brain started hurting. I felt empty, like a vast dark hole. Then, one thought came to mind and more questions appeared. I felt anxious. Just a few minutes ago I had heard a noise at the window and was frightened by it and goose bumps were all over me . Was it just my paranoia like the noises before? Am I becoming crazy? Or is this just a small illusion, a piece of my imagination?

“Stop thinking about this Jon, this is just a nightmare, it will vanish. Get over it. Don’t be crazy.” I whispered to myself to cradle myself into calmness.

Suddenly grandfather called from below,” Jonathan, dinner is ready come down soon.”

“Yes, grandpa”, I replied in a big clear voice loud enough to get across to him.

I then rushed downstairs, realizing the stab of hunger that vexed me, leaving all the worries and questions behind me, even if for just a short while.


The next morning and other mornings passed on great like usual and Ms. Sucre also forgot about that incident, till one day after school.

“Hey J Cube man, want to go to the new subway that opened up today, they are giving free samples of their subs for sponsorship and advertising, want to tag along?” Lucas ambushed me out of nowhere.

 “It will be fun, come on man don’t refuse, it’s only once in a while that new restaurants open and give free samples.” pleaded Sam who too seemed to appear out of thin air. This was my friends’ style. Definitely not mine.

“Okay okay guys. Anyways, grandpa is not at home, so he asked me to eat out , thanks for inviting, let’s go.”

“Yay”, they screamed in unison.

In my life I follow the path of trouble or it seems trouble seems to follow me wherever I go.This is just a beginning of my roller coaster life. I thought the day would go splendidly as it always did.


---------------------------END of chapter 2---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I apolozise to everyone that it took so long to update this chapter. I was having a small writer's block as a lot of other stress was building on my mind. I promise the next chapter with more fun and mystery will come out really soon.

This is one more mystery in Jonathan's life lets see what happens next. The next chapter will be more interesting....The really journey awaits.




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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2012 ⏰

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