07 hirunaka no ryuusei deviant id

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Out of the spare time I have gathered throughout the entire day, I was able to make this:

Out of the spare time I have gathered throughout the entire day, I was able to make this:

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It's a deviantID I plan to upload in deviantart. This was supposed to be just a practice for Rectangle Tool but I'm crazy about hirunaka no ryuusei and I also am crazy-ing over this one-whole-day graphic, liek dude. the entire day. just. for. this. shiet. and. i. am. crying. because. i. feel. so. satisfied.

The thing is, I did not use any texture or particular backgrounds to make this thing. All I had was my rectangle tool, some brushes and a few hirunaka no ryuusei images to come up with this. 

I was able to use a lot of other techniques too so I am pretty excited to be able to use it the next time around.

And can I just say that spanish deviants are awesome?! Really, their works are really inspiring x>



These are the tools, image sources and fonts I used in making this deviantID. Hopefully, this would make a good reference :) I dont know how to make a tutorial but feel free to ask me a question if you guys wanna know how to do this and that. I'll try my very best to answer them correctly.

Primary Tool (Photoshop CS6): Rectangle Tool

-Moon & Stars Brushes
-Torn Paper Brushes
-Stitch Brushes
-Quotation Brushes

HnR image sources:
-deviantart for mamura and shishio lineart
-tumblr for filmstrip images and small cirlced mamura and shishio
-HnR memorial illustration book scans, google images and pinterest for other images

-Pea Carrie Script
-Girls Have Many Secrets
-Claire Hand
-Impact Label Reversed
-Orator std

Graphic size: 620 x 1250

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