I will always remember you

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I was a year old when we got her. The dog that changed my whole life. I was only a year when we got Socks. A beautiful brown and white haired Boxer, with white as snow paws. She was possibly the most protective dog out there and by far the kindest.

On October 4th, I came upstairs from doing my homework, and I see the saddest sight I've ever seen. Socks, sitting there, with so much pain in her eyes. With so much sadness. I walked over to her and felt her. Barely breathing.

That night, I stayed by her, on that cold kitchen floor, petting her gently and just speaking my mind. Saying things I never thought I would need to say. I told her that if she needed to go, it's alright. I told her that she has done her part, now it's time she leave.

I asked to have that night with her, in my bed. I asked that I share that night with her. I fell asleep after a while, with socks at my feet, as she had done hundreds of times before, but this time, I savoured it. I never wanted it to end. I remember saying one last thing to her before my eyes closed. The last sentence I'd ever get to say. One last, crucial phrase to her that I will never forget.

"I will always remember you"

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