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The boy looked friendly enough, she decided to follow him. Worst thing that could happen is that he's a spy or something and this is all a test. The thought of that saddens her. The first actual person around her age she sees might not even be a real person. 

Tori followed the guy down multiple halls, some of which she had never seen before. Finally they found their way to a maintenance room. He opened the door and motioned for Tori to follow. She walks in to find two other guys around the other boy's age. They're eating leftovers more than likely. 

"Lads," the boy who had came and got her speaks up. The guys heads turn to her and bright smiles cross their faces. She can't help but give them a small smile. An actual one. Small but real. 

"You must be starving," the dark skinned one speaks up, holding out a plate of leftovers to her, "here, I don't need it." He chuckles, patting his stomach. The blonde haired boy notices her fiddling with her sleeve and takes the plate and holds it in front of her. "Here." she didn't realize it before but the boy had an accent, she just couldn't tell where it was from though. 

"Thank you." She says hopefully loud enough to where they can hear. Tori sits down on a bucket turned upside down across from the two guys. The blonde one sits by the door. 

"Alright, introductions seem necessary. I'm Alby." The dark one says. Then he points to the asian looking one. "This is Minho, and over there by the door is Newt." The other two wave. "We've heard a lot about you." Alby continues. Her eyes dart up from her food. "Like what?" 

"Well, for starters, you've been here almost two years and haven't given up your name."

"Oh! And that somehow you fit into everything like those other two, Thomas and Teresa I think?" Minho pipes up with a mouthful of food. "Yeah I've heard about them." Tori nods. "Yeah, like in a few years apparently they're gonna do some tests or somethin' I don't know, I just heard some rumors about being in groups and you and that Teresa chick are the only girls in a group of all boys, but I'm pretty sure there's gonna be a guy in a group of all girls, don't ask how that works 'cause I don't know either." Minho snickers. 

"What is your name?" Newt asks, curiosity in his voice. Tori looks at the three guys and then back to Newt, not sure if they think she has forgotten her old name or not.

"Tori. My name is Tori." The three guys exchange a look and grin. "And here we all thought Newt was the last one to give up his name." Alby pats Newt on the back.

"So," Minho begins, "they really didn't give you any dinner for refusing your name?" 

Tori nods. "I don't really get why. I mean, I'm sure most of us have went through worse things than hunger before they came and got us. Also, I don't understand how taking a bunch of kids from their homes'll do anything other than cause fear." 

"We've been talkin' about this for a while," Alby looks over at her, "but yano, you could be like our spy, y'know? Spying on WICKED and then reporting back to us, maybe find a way to get to one of the safe cities, or just escape. Who knows? But if we can discover what's really going on here, maybe we can figure some things out when it comes to that point." Alby finishes. Tori nods. "I'll do it." 

The four of them talked for a while, time got the better of them though. It was a couple of hours before the wake up, a couple of hours before Tori will be tortured to give her name up again. 

Newt had walked her back to her room, careful not to get caught. Before she went into her room she turned around and faced Newt with a small smile. "Thank you again for this. It's been nice to actually talk to people who aren't trying to poke me with needles." Newt smiles and nods. "No problem. I'll come back and get you the next time we decide to meet." 



"Can you promise me something?" Tori asks, messing with the sleeve of her shirt again, a nervous habit. 

"Of course Tori. Anything." 

"Can you remember my name?" 

Shock and maybe a little sadness crosses Newt's face but is soon replaced with a small smile. "Of course." She nods and walks inside her room, but before shutting the door she hears Newt say "Goodnight Tori." and with that he walks away, enveloped by the darkness giving him the perfect chance to make it back to his room without getting caught.

For once, Tori felt okay.


It didn't feel like Tori had gotten any sleep by the time it was time to wake up. She had her breakfast and followed her escort to the room where Randall sat waiting for her. 

A grim smile appeared on his face and she sat down in the chair. 

"What's your name?" Randall asks after fastening the restraints and hooking up all the instruments to Tori. She rolls her eyes. "What, you think I don't know my own name?" 

Randall eyes her suspiciously. "Then tell me." 

"Vanessa." it pained her to say it, and she could feel the bile rising. 

"Now, why don't I believe you?" 

"I don't know, why don't you believe me?" She asks. He shakes his head and grabs a needle. Her eyes widen and she starts frantically shaking her head. "N-no! No, no no! My name, it's Vanessa! Please don'-" She doesn't get to finish before the pain takes over. Tori's screams fill the room, followed by sobs. 

"What is your name?" 

"V-Vanessa." She sobs.

Another round of pain. 

"What is your name?"

"Vanessa." She closes her eyes to keep the tears from falling. 

"Have you been called any other name?"

"No. My name is Vanessa."

"Will you ever forget your name, or use another?"

"Never. My name is Vanessa. Only Vanessa."

"Well done, Vanessa. Now we can continue with you and the others. Are you ready?" 


Her name was Vanessa and she couldn't forget.


A/N: Hi there, welcome to another chapter. This one wasn't that great, (and yes I'm aware of how short it is ok) but like I don't know I like have ideas but when it comes to putting them into words, it's hard. 

Also if you can't tell some things are gonna be different than the book(s) and I'm changing some things. 


ily and hope you have a good day. 


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2019 ⏰

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