The Great Decision

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TDBerlin is my new fan and a great writer. I am also a fan of his as he is an excellent writer. TDBerlin is one of my best friends on Wattpad. For all of you out there reading this, im not going to do a challenge like 70 votes or something. But still, please vote, as you have nothing to lose and I have EVERYTHING to gain!! Thanks =)


The group of dwarves met, consulting each other. They were pointing to a calender, and were in a lavishly decorated room. The calender was simple, but there were markings and events marked all over it. The dwarves were all huddled at the far end of the room, around a beautiful oak table. All around the room were lavish chair stuffed with fluff. There was a fire blazing in the far left corner, heating the room. Along the walls were portraits.

It was made of swirling light wood, and had many useless but beautiful marble sculptures on pedestals. The dwarves were all richly clothed, with some hints of jewelry. All of them wore sharp, dangerous swords on belts at their waists though.

A dwarf spoke up. "We must strike the king. Because there was no rebellion to his rule, he is getting a false sense of security. But he is still smart and we can't keep secrecy forever. Already, the king and the barons are getting a bit suspicious," he said, waving his hands to emphasize his points. He seemed to feel very strongly about his plan.  The overall atmosphere was tensity, suspense, and eagerness to kill the king.

"That is all well, but still, we want to wipe out the king and all the barons at the same time, or else they'll stop at nothing to eliminate a threat to their power, and their lives. We will need to wait until they're all gathered, then overpower them, all at once," another dwarf announced. He was tall for the dwarves and held self-confidence. He wore a green silk tunic with golden embroidery.  

"But still, the guards are on to us. I mean like I noticed one looking at my house. And my house keeper told me that another official visited while I was gone. They'll catch on soon. The king may be bad but he's not stupid," argued the first speaker again.

A new dwarf this time spoke. During the beginning argument some few dwarves didn't pay attention, but this time all the dwarves sat straight. The new dwarf was the richest out of them, and his weapons were made from one of the best smiths in the city.  

"I think that what you said is true, but not the most important. We can delay meetings, send encoded messages, and switch buildings. My spies and contacts can erase a lot of doubt. Also, I have some dwarves who have infiltrated the police station. They can cover for us a bit too. So don't worry, I think we must wait."

The second speaker was nodding his head. "Yes, I agree with him. And also, I must remind all of you the price for betraying this meeting. If any of you tell the king about this, they will die. None of you can withstand all of us." He eyed a few in the eye, as if the warning was directed at them.

"But I don't think that will even happen. Anyways, until the king and the baron is all gathered, we will lie dormant," he said, self-importantly."But when they do, we will strike and overthrow the government. We will be rulers and barons, and furthermore, we will finally be able to kill the king," he finished, grinning wickedly.

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