I Want You

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Klaus and I just sat on the floor, with his arms wrapped around me. I can't beleive he done all of this for me, he's a good friend, an amazing friend.

"Thank you Klaus"

"For what exactly"

"For everything, caring, saving me a billion times, and bringing me back."

"Well you know why I do these things Caroline, your welcome love"

"Love" I repeated in a British accent.

His head was leaning on mine, and I felt him smile.

" you want to go home?"

"Yea, I do"

What am I saying! I don't wanna go home. Klaus brought me back, who knows if I turn off again.

"I know what you are thinking Love. Don't worry, just remember that your strong, you bring light into everyone's day. Your special."

After that, Klaus and I took a night flight to Mystic Falls. We Walked on te plane and I Was the most beutiful thing Ever. Leather seats with vibration. Chanderler lighting. A snack bar and just....amazing.

"The best for you love"

"Well this Is wayyy over the Top, i wouldve been fine with a regular plane flight."

"Well wheres the fun in that?", he smirked

"Good point" I smiled back.

Klaus and i had fun on the plane! I often went to the snack bar of course. We even plaued a boardgame, with many many arguments ofcourse.

I got so tired and we only had 30 more minutes of flight left. I layed on the Seat and Closed my eyes. I wasn't actually asleep when I heard Klaus whisper something.

"If only you just knew, how much I love you" Then we Kissed the Too of my head and Walked back over to his Seat.

Then I dozed off in a sleep.

I woke back up in my bed. Klaus must of not want to wake me up. I guess he carried me to my bed. I Looked at my nightstand and saw a note...from him


Sorry, but I didnt want to wake you up. You Looked to peaceful. But this isnt Goodbye yet, I'll be coming over Tommorow affernoon to say Goodbye. Thank you for today, Love.

Yours truley,


Goodbye?!?! He cant leave! He's the only one I got! He understands what it feels Like to be disincluded and alone! I....I.....I Need....Him.


"Theres a whole world out there Waiting for you, all you have to do Is ask"

"I'll take you where ever you want"

"Come to accept my offer?"

"Caroline, Im standing in one of my favorite places in the world.And all I can think about is how much I want to show it to you, maybe one day, you'll let me."

-flashback over-

I'm so fucking stupid!! I should've asked Klaus if I could go with him! I mean hes clearly in love with me and he wants me to come with him. And Tommorow....I will.

Now i couldnt sleep! I have to get packing!! My Mom wasn't Home, Do i went in her room and grabbed all of her suitcases. I grabbed all my Makeup,toiletries,clothes,shoes, jewlrey, etc. And I put all of them in Like 10 suitcases. I even went all the way to college to get many other things! I Was ready to start a new Life. And it Starts tommorrow. i climed Into my bed and fell asleep for the big day.


It turned Exactley 11 am and I Was getting ready to go to Caroline's. To say Goodbye......I probably wont see we in years and that hurrts me more than Tyler's torturing from Caroline. Oh but she will come for me one day.......one day.

I went Into my car and drove to Caroline's house. I hopped out the car and knocked on the door.

10 sconds later I used my hearing and heard Caroline run downstairs.

"Klaus!" She smiled. She Looked beutiful. She had on purple stretch Pants with a white tanktop and Peach jacket. I took a Very long second to admire her beauty.

"Klaus?" She murmered as I snapped out of my trance

"Sorry Love, I Was admiring you beauty."

"Okayyy...Well, I have a Surprise for you, come upstairs!!"

She smiled as as grabbed my wrist and dragged me upstairs. I Walked Into her room and it Was completely empty. With suitcases scattered everywhere.

"Caroline, does this mean what I think it means?"

She Walked over to me and put both of her hands on my cheeks.

"Yes it does Klaus. I just realized how much you understand and how much you love me and care. You made me realized that you are always there, picking me up when I fall, your my hero. You put a smile to my face every time I see you. I am so grateful to see the other side of you that no one else see's and that you willing to sacrifice that for love. Now that,that's the most powerful thing in the world. I want to go with go, see the world with you, be with you. I want you"

Klaus just stood there with his head facing to the floor.

"You have no idea, how how iI've been waiting for this." He said

He then moved in closer to me, cupped my face, and passionately kissed me. No lust.....just love. We broke the kiss and I wrapped my arms around his neck as he did on my waist.

"I love you Klaus"

"I love you too Sweetheart"

"What happens now?"

"Love....are future."

I felt him smile against my head

"Well lets get going!" Klaus said

"Cant wait to get out of here!"

Klaus and I put all my stuff in the car and drove to the airport, we went on, yet again, the fancy private plane. I can't wait to move all in the original house. This will be exciting


Yay!! Klaus finally got Caroline to go with him!! AHHHHH!!! I absolutely can't wait to write the next chapter!!!

I can't beleive this!

I started this story 4 days ago and I'm this is the 6th chapter!!

I Need You ( Klaroline)Where stories live. Discover now