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Heyhey whoever is reading this, I hope someone does read this. Um my name is Ana and I've always had an itch to write stories on here instead of always reading them, so here's one. I want to actually try and write the entire thing but please comment or vote or something so I know if people actually like it or are actually reading it. I can't say much because this isn't really even the first chapter. I'm trying to make as minimal mistakes possible and keep the story interesting so leave your opinions, I like constructive criticism.

Also all rights are reserved to me, everything written was written by me unless I say it wasn't. If you want to translate it or do anything with the story please ask first. Otherwise, enjoy :)


A jolt of pain shot through my entire body and then I felt nothing. I tried to get a sense of where I was but the only thing on my mind was how raw my throat felt; as if I'd just swallow a gallon of sand. My eyelids were beginning to flutter open until I realized I wasn't breathing. Just as the thought crossed my mind I coughed up water, and then some more, until finally I took a deep breath. It had felt like a cold smack in the face. I still hadn't opened my eyes completely, simply because I was afraid.

My body was tender, like it would be after running a marathon without stopping and any movement would cause my limbs to fall off. I mustered the strength to open my eyes and instantly regretted it. The brightest light was hanging right above me, like someone attached the sun to the ceiling. I sat up from where I was laying, which turned out to be a hospital bed. The mattress was stiff, it seemed like no one had touched it in years. When I ran my hand across the white blanket covering it, it was rough and itchy. This scenery felt so familiar, I just couldn't figure out why. Why was I in a hospital gown, and why can't I remember what I was wearing before? The longer I sat here the more questions had.

I looked up at the room. I was in an intensive care unit, a hospital room for patients in critical condition. The walls were all white with paintings of beautiful sceneries, a pond surrounded by cherry blossom trees and another one of a ship lost at sea with a sunset in the background. Those were my paintings. I kept looking around the room and there she was, sitting in those uncomfortable chairs in the corner of the room behind machines.

"Mom?" My voice came out scratchy and cracked. She still looked as remarkable as I remembered. Her sun kissed skin was glowing under her long white silk gown. And her hair, I loved watching her comb it quickly before we'd have to run off to my school so I wouldn't be late. It was hanging right above her shoulders now in big brown curls, not one out of place.

She licked her lips before she spoke, "Hey honey."

Hearing her voice again felt like listening to music for the first time.
"Mom, why am I here?" My pulse started to quicken, and the questions started pouring. "This was your room, wasn't it? Mommy you don't know how reviving it is to see you but this can't be happening." All I wanted in the world was to be able to touch her one last time but not like this. "Where's Julian? How am-"

"Avery let me explain," she cut me off but I was just frantic at this point.

"How am I seeing you? This is impossible." I wiped tears I hadn't realized I had. "Did I take drugs? Maybe this is a bad trip an-"

My mom sighed and said, "Honey you're dead."

All the heat left my body. I felt cold and limp and just bland. I screamed and my mom wasn't fazed by it. Him. I shouldn't have wasted my time.

I cried and my mom had a look on her face, almost like pity, and I didn't know why. Him. I could've loved harder, loved deeper, I could've loved him more.

I didn't care why I was here anymore, all I cared about was him, and regret took over my emotions. Him. Why was I so scared to open up, why did I take to long to open up?

My mom spoke again. "Avery I don't have much time."

Time? I almost laughed, it's all I've got now. "Time for what?"

"I'm here for a reason honey, your death was harsh and quick. So I was sent to give you a choice." The more she spoke the more pity I saw in her eyes.

Everything was so unclear. Sent by who? Why would I be given choices if I'm dead? How did I die I can't remember anything? Even though I was itching to ask all these questions, she told me she didn't have much time. I swallowed hard, "What is it?"

"Honey you can choose to spend 5 minutes with Julian and then you really do die, I can't tell you what happens afterwards." She took a deep breath, "or you live the rest of your life as was." Something told me she wasn't done but I still cut in.

"What's the catch?" Now I really was laughing. With my short time living I learned nothing is given to you without a catch.

"You'd have no memory of meeting your soul mate, and that was Julian." Now I understood why she looked so pitiful, and in that moment I thought to myself, I'd give everything to feel nothing.

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