I wanna share a thought

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10:20 pm, Saturday 12th of November, 2016

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Have you ever noticed that the pieces of literature we read throughout our daily lives tend to have the writing coming from the left hand side? Probably, but it's normal to us. It's all we've ever known, and anything otherwise would be a printing error and would be sent back for correction.

Well, what if someone decided to publish literature written like this? Do you find it a tad confusing to your mind? For most it's still perfectly fine to read, but it's wrong somehow. Not right. This isn't right; the writing isn't supposed to come from this direction. Who would allow such a silly thing to be published?

Now, for some reason, when I look at the above situation, I can think of but one thing; we do this in our daily lives. Look at something that isn't wrong, but is different to our usual practices so we condemn it and demand correction.

For example, same-sex love. Love is love, right? Love is protecting your significant other with your own life, and caring for them passionately and deeply. Right? So why is it that if an opposite-sex couple displays affection publicly, or they wish to get married, they can, but a couple of the same-sex cannot, and are seen as incorrect? Is the human race so stupid and shallow as to do that?

Treat others with the respect and humbleness they deserve, be compassionate to those who need it, and imagine yourself in another persons shoes every once in a while.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2016 ⏰

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