Chapter 19

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The picture is of Chè, played by Hadley Fraiser who is amazingly talented and cute. :)


Alright, now that the more pressing matter of the Man-Following-Peter, a.k.a. Bill, had been attended to, it was time to find the strangely enlightened vampire who had apparently joined out little party.

He said he knew about me. He said he knew me.

Stranger than that, I knew him. I was positive I’d never met him before, I’d never even seen his face passing in a crowd, but I knew him.

I’d known him in those stupid dreams that haunted me every night. The fact that that’s how I knew him worried me somewhat, considering that they were never particularly good or even pleasant, but the fact that he could give me some information about myself made the risk far less than the reward.

Besides the logic in that argument, I didn’t have that sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach that usually signaled to me that bad things were on their way.

Despite that though, he said he’d been waiting for me for half a century…and that was firstly impossible and secondly unsettling.

Impossible because, despite now being immortal, I had only existed on this earth for seventeen years up until this point. There was no way he couldn’t have been waiting for me fifty years ago when I hadn’t even been thought of until eighteen years ago.

Unsettling because he had been waiting for me for a reason. He had been anticipating me for one reason or another and I couldn’t think of a single benevolent reason to wait for someone for so long.

Yet, there was nothing whispering in the back of my mind of dangers, and so there were apparently none.

Unsettled indeed, but determinedly brave, I followed the doors until I smelled the strong sent of the beach which had clung to him since he had confronted us. I knocked lightly at the door and waited for him to answer it. The door opened but he wasn’t standing there to greet me. I peeked in and saw him on the other side of the room, his back to me. Taking the opening of the door as an invitation I stepped in and waited for him to speak first.

“I do apologize, I’ll be with you in a moment.” He told me in an extremely thin accent that didn’t seem to have originated from this country or that. I closed the door quietly behind me, letting it click shut, and watched him. He closed the drawer of the dresser he had been digging in and locked it with the provided key. Dropping the key into the deep pockets of his khaki trousers he finally turned to face me.

“You’re here for information I trust?” he mused politely.

“Anything you’d be willing to tell me I’d appreciate.”

“I’ll reveal everything to you in due time, but first I suppose I should tell you who I am and who you are.”

“I wasn’t aware that I didn’t know who I was.” I quipped.

“If you’re unaware of why you suffer in the light then you do not.” He told me, meaning he was serious…

“I’m sorry.”

“Think nothing of it.” He waved his hand and smiled dismissively, “My name, as I have said before, is Chè and I would like very much it if you would address me as such. I don’t suppose you have any idea of your father’s family tree do you?”

“No…but I don’t see what they could possibly have to do with any of this.”

“Patience.” He pleaded, “Ten generations back from your father, your great grandparents nine times over, there was another vampire in your family. Many others of our kind will tell you that he was purely a myth, but I know that he lived, I was…close…to his wife and daughter. I never met him, but I’d seem him in the eyes of his wife and I see him in you even now.

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