y o u ' r e l a t e

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The lingering light was obliterated by the rapidly falling night. The once salmon and purple sky transformed into a vast expanse of jet-black that engulfed the town.

A canopy of luminous stars materialized amongst the ocean of blackness. Some were dull, merely flickering into existence every now and then, but there was an adequate amount of shimmering stars to decorate the dark, moonless night.

A lake glistened, mirroring the dazzling assemblage of glittering stars and the radient lights from the restaurants and designer boutiques that lined the marina. The faint wind brushed against the water's surface, ruffling the stillness of the surface, and shattering the reflection of the harbour.

The artificial, amber glow of the streetlights flickered constantly due to age and residue moulding onto the foggy glasses, slightly chipped.

But all he could focus on was getting to where he needed to go.

He was late. Very, very late.

His black sneakers hastily moved in a slow jog, squeaking every now and again disrupting the silence that shrouded the dead neighbourhood.

Layered in black and grey clothing, he blended into the shadows that would appear when the streetlights would flicker off, before reappearing when the slightly- orange glow would return.

He couldn't believe he was late.

He's been doing this for ages now, but today, of all the days it had to happen, he was late.

His pace increased with every minute as it neared the 11 o'clock mark, signalling that he was going to miss it.

But as the clock on his watch beeped 10:56 he knew he had just made it.

Rushing to the bushes, that sat adjacent to the windows, he lay in wait.

Ah, right on time.

The small, silver Hyundai turns its way into the car park, and a feminine figure escaped the vehicle.

Through the faded light that reflected off the porch, he could make out her appearance just like the many times he has before.

She had chestnut brown hair with blonde highlights, nowhere near the point of being black. It lay on her shoulders like a waterfall flowing gently; flaming as brightly as a sunrise. The breeze blew through her curls, straightening them into waves that whipped about behind her.

From under side bangs shone eyes the colour of a dazzling emerald green, which travelled uneasily from one person to another. No one couldn't help but notice that they glistened every time she moved them. They were the ones that seemed to draw you into a daze; not letting you go. Her eyes seemed to shine in the sunlight, but hide in the darkness.

Below them was a nose so freckled that the brown splotches overlapped much like autumn leaves after harsh winds blew.

Her smile was warm with a hint of shyness and her lips were like a frozen rose, dangerous but beautiful.

She entered the house with a click of a lock and wearily headed to her bedroom, which was situated just in front of where the boy's eyes lay.

Looking away when she reached for the zipper of her dress to offer her some privacy, he could slightly hear her humming a familiar tune from the radio.

Her voice was like a drug, addicting and intoxicating.

Hearing the click of the lights being turned off, he turned back around just to see the girl fall onto the bed. She wrapped herself into a slightly tight cocoon before letting sleep overtake her.

Quickly rushing over to the window sill he gazed in the room taking in all her delicate features, like he had many times before.

As hours ticked by, he noticed himself still entranced by the beauty of the sleeping girl.

Despite the time of morning, he found himself not wanting to leave till she would flutter open those gorgeous, emerald eyes to the morning light escaping her window.

He fought his eyes to stay awake, because no dream was prettier than the way she slept.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2018 ⏰

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