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“Are you sure?” Hannia said.

“Yes, I’m sure,” Maya said, pointing at the door knob of the Black Door. “Needa said Griffin’s hiding something behind this door.”

“I don’t like this,” said Hannia letting go of the doorknob.

“Don’t be a pussy.” Maya said, “Just open it.”

Hannia let out a deep breath. Ashes came out of her nostrils. “Okay.”

She twisted the doorknob and pushed it open. They stepped inside the Pitch Black Room.

“It’s dark,” Hannia confirmed.

“Well, no duh. Stupid bitch,” Maya raised her voice. “It’s called the Black Room for a reason.”

Hannia rolled her eyes.

“Let’s just find out what Griffin is hiding here, and leave.” Maya ordered.

“What if Needa was just lying? She’s after all…a compulsive liar,” Hannia said.

Maya stopped for a bit.

“That bitch,” she muttered.

“I mean, she did say she was going to go inside Griffin’s room awhile ago.” Hannia said.

Maya let out a deep breath. Fire was burning her hair.

“Whatever,” Maya said. “If she wants to fuck Griffin, then she can go do it. I still want to search this place,”

“Fine,” Hannia said. “But how are we supposed to search this? It’s dark. Only Griffin can see in this place…he has well, light. We don’t.”

“He may have light or whatever. But, we have fire.” Maya said.

Hannia looked confused.

“Leave it to me,” Maya said.

Maya flew up circling around. She stretched her arms and her wings picked up air from above.

She took a deep breath, and breathes out fire. She circled around the room lighting…setting fire on the walls.

“I can see now,” Hannia said. “Maya. Stop. You’re gonna burn this place apart.”

Maya came down. “Okay.”

A bright light from a far caught Hannia’s eye.

“What’s that?” she pointed.

They flew towards the bright light coming from a far.

It became brighter and brighter as they near it.

They gasped.

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