The beginning of the end.

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Sitting on my bed with my cat Fluffster in my lap I could hear my parents talking to each other in the room next to mine. When you live in a small house with thin walls there's no secrets. No matter how discreet you try to be.
This isn't exactly the safest town.
"I know they're talking about the new order that the government just enacted. I know that my dad won't stand for it. He'll never give me and Tommy up," I told my cat while stroking its back.
My door creaked open slowly and there stood my three year old brother. "Charissa. I'm hungry," he said while wiping his nose with the sleeve of his blue pajamas.
"I know you are, but we don't have enough money to buy food after they raised the taxes again. Maybe we'll get some tomorrow."
"The sirens are getting closer," he whispered as he slid around the hole that had rotted through the floor.
"Its ok," I promised. "Dad won't let them have us. They won't ever hurt you."
The sound of helicopters drifted overhead and I pulled Tommy into a tight hug. The sirens were getting louder. I could here them clearly now.
Before I could figure out what was going on there was a loud cracking sound from the front of the house.
Tommy started screaming as tears ran down his face.
"Mommy!" Tommy screamed trying to pull away from me.
Three police men came into the room with big guns at their sides. Locking the door they rushed over to us and grabbed on so tight it hurt. Ripping Tommy from my arms two of them withdrew gags from their pockets while the other gripped me by both arms.
"Charissa! Tommy!!" My parents screamed from their room. My dads fist came through the door bloody from the wood scraping his skin.
Screaming at the top of my lungs I kicked and twisted, but the guard that held me down barely flinched.
One of them reached towards my face and firmly clasped a cloth down on my nose and mouth. It burned my throat to try and breath. My vision fading I saw Tommy lurching in our captors arms. The world grew dim and black until I couldn't take it and let the drugs slip me into a deep sleep.

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