Chapter 7

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A/N: hey again after three months... wow i'm the best at updating i swear to you :P



The week had dragged by slowly, and it was now Friday, nearly the weekend. He had hardly been able to spend any time with Phil at school, in fear someone would see them and a rumour would get out. They’d met up on Wednesday after school to ‘do homework’, which ended up with them cuddling on Phil’s bed, not wanting to leave each other. Other than that there had been brief kisses and hugs in the toilets before and after school.

It was now 6:55am, and Addie had come into his room and forced him out of his peaceful slumber, bringing him back to reality, “Wake up Dan, time for school.”

“Just 10 more minutes,” he mumbled from under the covers.

“Come on,” she ripped his covers of his curled body, “I already gave you a lie in, you’ve got 20 minutes until breakfast.”

Dan grunted, “Fine.” He moaned, sitting up on the edge of his bed.


Once he was showered, dressed and had straightened his hair, Dan made his way down to their dining hall and took his place at the table.

His father gave him a nod of approval for arriving on time, as they were still waiting for Adrian. “Morning Dan.” His mother smiled sweetly, she seemed to be in a good mood today.

“Morning” he smiled back, being polite as he wanted to ask his parents something.

When his brother had finally arrived, their parents started asking them the usual questions, how has school been this week? Have you done all of your homework? What are your plans for the weekend?

That was when Dan didn’t answer bluntly, “Well, I was wondering if Phil could stay over tonight?”

His mother and father exchanged glances, “Yes, that’s fine Sweetie,” Dan cringed at the pet name, but was thankful she’d approved, “As long as you don’t make too much noise or stay up too late?”

“Of course we won’t.” Dan replied innocently, it wasn’t like they had school the next day, and his parents would be able to hear them anyway, they were on the other side of the house, on a different floor.

“I’ll have Addie set up a spare bed in your bedroom later.”

Dan chuckled inside his head, they wouldn’t exactly need a spare bed.


“Hey Dan!” Phil greeted him with a big smile, reaching out to hold his hand loosely for a second or two.

“Hey!” Dan took part in the brief sign of affection.

The two walked to school, talking and laughing about various incidents that had happened that week. Apparently, in Phil’s English class one of the boys was talking about some weird porno he’d watched where a woman could fit the whole of a man’s head in her ‘pussy’, as it was called, and while he was telling the story in graphic detail, the deputy headmaster had walked in behind him and had sent him to his office, leaving the class in hysterics.

“So Phil, got any plans for tonight?” Dan asked curiously.

“Nah, not really, what about you?”

“I was wondering if you wanted to stay over tonight?” he asked again, “Like have a movies and video games night? As we haven’t done it in a while…”

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