Addison Grace

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"Name: Addison Grace
Age: 1
Appearance: super tiny blue eyes blonde hair
Personality: sweet shy sassy smart
Likes: snuggles,dancing,aunt Witney,giving kisses,walking on her own,playing with Momma's hair
Dislikes: yelling, sleeping, babysitters, doctors office, falling, being sick
-was born 3 months early
-still doesn't sleep through the night
-has her lovey, Duck Duck, that she takes everywhere
-sleeps with her parents every night
-loves to play with the dog, Moose
-has separation anxiety
Parents: Sam and Lindsay

Thank you for reading this chapter. I want to thank dance10addison for applying for this spot. If you liked it comment and vote. If you have any suggestions or feedback please comment them. I hope you liked it and kept you interested, if not please let me know. Please apply for. this sorry and tell your friends too to if you don't mind. This chapter had 154 words in it. ~Madelynne~

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