Chapter 1

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Hey, guys, this is the first fanfic I've ever written so feel free to give me feedback on what you liked and disliked about all of my chapters. Hope you enjoy!

Hiccup's pov

The morning sunlight is trickling in through the holes of our small cottage roof. Toothless and I are sleeping in our bed just like any other morning. I'm confused when start to feel like I'm suffocating and something heavy is on my chest. I open my eyes and all I see is black. That's when I realize toothless is laying on me.

"Aaaggghhh!" I say as I try to push him off of me.

"Get off me, you're heavy!" I try to yell but can't because the dragon is on top of me.

Toothless shows no intention of moving so I resort to wiggling my way out from under him. While I am busy trying to get out from under him I forget we are on the edge of the bed so when I finally brake free I fall off the bed and get welcomed by the floor as my face hits it. I squirm over to where my metal leg is and put it on. Now that I am mobile I can get mad.

"How many times have I told you? If you want to sleep on the bed then STAY ON YOUR SIDE! You do this all the time and it's annoying." I yell

There is no response from the dragon.

"Whatever, I have to get up anyways." I sigh.

"I am just going to be doing work around town today so you can stay here and rest," I say while putting on a shirt. Toothless, again, doesn't respond and just continues to sleep so I gather my things and open the door. Maybe I was a little harsh. I should say something before I leave. 

"G-goodbye," I say unconfidently while looking back at him.

Toothless doesn't even move.

Why am I even worrying about this? He is probably asleep and he's only a dragon. He probably doesn't understand what I'm saying. I close the door and start walking towards the road.

Toothless's pov

It's late at night and I notice how I roll onto Hiccup but I don't really care. He is probably going to be mad at me in the morning but at least I get some skinship and attention. Even if the attention is negative. I don't think about it too hard and just drift off to sleep.

I'm awoken by something wiggling underneath me. Oh god, Hiccup is waking up, here it comes.

"Get off me, you're heavy!" Hiccup yells.

I hear hiccup yell for a little bit but I don't listen because I already know what he is going to say. I hear the door open and hear him say goodbye.

With nothing else to do, I unconsciously I go into deep thought. I love hiccup but not in the way a dragon should love his master. I don't know when I realized that I love him more than a companion but now it's almost all I can think about. Everyday is so painful because the lust I have for him only grows but I know no matter what I do or how much I love him I will never be able to obtain him. The only thing I can do is lick his face as he laughs but that is not nearly enough to satisfy my love for him. When I lick him, I know he only sees it in the same way he does when a dog licks him. 

I can't even convey my feelings to him because I can't speak. He probably thinks I'm not capable of having feelings of this kind of love. He probably thinks I am incapable of deeper thoughts than an animal. He just sees me as an animal but that is all he should see me as because that is all I am. To him, I am just a glorified dog. He will never know that my brain thinks the same way as any other humans' brain would. He will never know how much I love him. If I was a human I would be able to speak to him, embrace him, and love him but that wish will never come true. Every day I feel like there is a weight on my heart and that the weight is slowly crushing it. Maybe one day all that will be left of my heart is an organ. I feel like my feelings are in a cage and no matter how hard I try I will never be able to unlock that cage because the key to that cage is a human body. I know that someday hiccup will find love, a wife, and probably have children too. As I think of how I will never be able to hold him or truly love him like a human could a single tear escapes my eyes and rolls down my rough, scaly, ugly cheek that no one would ever want to touch. If only I was human. If only I was human. If only I was human. That is what I think as I drift into the deep abyss of my mind known as sleep.

Sometime that night I wake up as I hear hiccup climb into bed with me.
"If anything at least I have this." I think as I feel hiccups warmth from the other side of the bed.
I wiggle some so that his back is touching mine and fall asleep knowing that he is beside me.
That morning I am suddenly awoken by the sound of hiccup screaming........

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