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I dreamt high school would be the best four year of my life, ever since I was little. I dreamt I would have everything and I would be on all of the sports teams. I dreamt I would have the most amazing boyfriend and that I would hang out with the coolest and most popular people. Isn't that every girls dream going into their first year of high school?

But that isn't the reality of it. If you're anything like me, you're terrible at sports. You can barely throw a ball in a straight line. Boys? They will only approach you if they want you to do their homework. The popular girls most probably skit you everyday and you definitely don't and would never fit into their friendship group. But it isn't all bad, I still have my three best friends, Lauryn, ruby, and Eliza. We had been friends since we first started this school and have survived together since.

Today is the same as any other day, nothing new rarely happens, it's more or less the same routine everyday.

The bell rang for first period and I made my way promptly to my first class. I took my seat towards the back of the class. Eliza ran in seconds after me shouting my name repeatedly.
"What?" I replied, laughing at her enthusiasm.

"I got me, you, Lauryn and ruby all invited to that party happening on the weekend!"

Eliza was on better terms with the more popular group than ruby, Lauryn and I, she wasn't friends with them. Just civil I guess.

"I don't know Liza... we don't even know whose party is it!" I was being hesitant about the idea, we were juniors and the most we knew what that it was a senior party.

"Come on T! I've spoken to Ruby and Lauryn, they're down with the idea!"

I finally agreed. I was nervous to say the least. We didn't know anyone that would be going and we aren't the most liked people ever.
That whole day kids in school wouldn't stop talking about this amazing party, but me? I kept quiet, I didn't like the idea of a party. It scared me slightly..

OKAYYYY THATS THE FIRST CHAPTER!? it's really short but it's more like an introduction to the story. I don't know how this is going to go i suck at writing but I'll give it a go!!


Summer romance | Grayson DolanWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt