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Guess what darling, there will come a time in your life when all these tears won't matter at all to you. I know they should, they should mean you everything because they're yours, because they're by your side right now when even your heart pretends to not be with you. But still you won't care about them the day the sunshine of your smile brushes away the storms of today. When you lay beneath a star-laden sky with the moon by your side. These tears would seem an ugly fantasy when you're ready to die for that heart-felt smile. You won't be controlling any of it, darling, like these tears of today. Like the black and white of today, little say will you have in the rainbow of the day life smiles at you through those brown eyes, offering you an eternity. When your gazes will not just meet but fall deep into the souls. When your profile will reflect in his pupil and he won't even care about the pimple beneath your cheek or that unarched eyebrow or your imperfect figure or even those messy hair you loathe about yourself. And only when you've been promised your sweet eternity, my love, will you realize how insignificant these beads of water down your cheek truly are and yet so worthy, for they now strengthen the pedestal of your self-love and that's what makes you steal your share of sunshine from the beast they call life.

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