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scott paced his chambers, his eyes glowing brightly in the dark. it was only a few hours later, and he was craving mitch's blood again.

mitch let out a shaky breath and silently stood up, walking over to the door. he tried to open it, but it was locked. the small boy groaned quietly and leaned against it weakly, rubbing his eyes. he wanted so desperately to go home, he was willing to risk his life to get out of that castle.

scott brought his arm up to his mouth and sunk his fangs into his wrist, hoping his own blood would satisfy him.

mitch glanced over at the open window and bit his lip carefully with a small smile. he padded over to it quietly and reached out into the outside, but cried out and quickly pulled his hand back when a shock ran through his arm. he quickly backed away from the window and held his arm to his chest defeatedly.

while scott's own blood felt soothing on his tongue, it wasn't human blood, so he quickly pulled away and didn't bother to do something above blood running down his arm as he resumed pacing.

mitch whimpered at the pain still coursing through his arm and he tried frantically to open the door again.

scott made a desperate noise and quickly turned on his heel, disappearing.

mitch sighed shakily and held his arm to himself weakly, leaning his head against the door.

scott stayed in the shadows of the city he had teleported to, and quickly grabbed a woman who was walking by. he didn't particularly care who he had, he just needed human blood.

the woman glanced up at him and scoffed quietly. "excuse you, i'm walking." she paused to take in scott's appearance and she shook her head. "nice costume. it's not even halloween, dude. get the f*ck off of me."

scott let out a soft growl and pulled her into an alley, waving his hand absentmindedly behind them to wipe the memory of anyone who might have seen.

she pushed at scott's chest roughly, ignoring how cold his skin was, even through the fabric covering it. "let go of me!"

scott's blood red eyes glowed brighter and he pushed her against the wall, snarling, "don't you f*cking dare."

"you're a creep, get off of me!" 

"shut up," scott snapped.

the girl shoved scott off of her and dusted herself off, glaring at him.

scott growled and held his hand up, forcing her back against the wall. he waved his hand to immobilize her. 

the woman stared at him with wide eyes. "what th-"

scott grinned evilly, revealing his razor sharp - and very real - fangs.

she panicked and tried frantically to get away from scott.

"costume, is it?" scott snarled softly. as he said, he liked to play with his victims a bit before finally killing them, even when he was desperate for blood.

the woman shook her head quickly. "l-look, man, i'm really sorry, just-"

scott held his hand up again and she fell silent, never to speak again. he regarded her thoughtfully for a moment before marching forward and sinking his teeth into her neck.

she screamed, but no sound came out of her mouth. the woman fell limp after a minute, but her eyes never closed.

scott drank her blood hungrily, his eyes glowing stronger with every drop. even if it wasn't nearly as good as mitch's, it was good enough.

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