Journal Entry

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So Alastair told me I should get this journal. Thinks it will help with my addiction or something? I don't know. It seems pretty hypocritical for him to be worried about me. He's addicted too. I don't even remember why I started, it was probably stupid. After all I have a pretty much perfect life. I have two amazing best friends, a large house, tons of money, I go to one of the best schools in the country. But I decided it wasn't enough. I decided I needed more. So I began to use drugs and alcohol to escape. Am I a delinquent? Heh, I guess you could say that. Pretty, rich, white boy, breaking and entering, doing drugs, a story everybody's heard.  I'm breathing but I'm not living. I'm talking but I'm not thinking.  I don't even know what I am. 

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