Sad Mason

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M  A S O N

"What ya gonna do, rich boy?" The voice taunted harshly. 

"Smoke away the pain?" It continued to taunt "Or use pills this time? Or maybe alcohol?"  The voice in his head wouldn't shut up. He sobbed, pressing his hands to his ears, praying, hoping, begging, that the voice would shut up. Just for once.  He wanted some peace.  Since Alastair had left the voices had gotten worse, but that wasn't Alastair's fault. No it was the school's fault. His best friend may had been the queen of the school but that didn't change the fact that he was the school's only openly gay kid. Didn't change the fact that he got beaten everyday. Didn't change the fact that the high school quarterback decided he would try Mason on for size. Didn't change the fact that he still has nightmares from when the quarterback decided to rape him.  Mason walked to his bathroom, taking out a bottle of pills and popping them into his mouth, changing the world from black and white to all color, for just this one night.

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