Chapter 5- AWKWARD.

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I was abruptly awakened by the blaring sound of a phone call. I groggily looked and saw who was calling. The screen read:
John :)
I smiled to myself, and answered the phone.
"Hello?" I said, trying my best to actually sound awake.
"Hey. I was just wondering if you wanted to meet up for coffee? Actually get to know you a bit, haha." I smiled.
"Sounds great. Meet in half an hour?"
"Sure thing. See you then."
I, still exhausted, jumped out of bed to the bathroom. I did my hair, makeup and got dressed with this outfit:

I stumbled down my stairs, glancing at the time which told me I was late

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I stumbled down my stairs, glancing at the time which told me I was late.
Shit. I was late for John Mayer.
I hopped in a cab and before I knew it I arrived at the coffee house John had texted. It was quaint but cute; rustic but modern. I'm a sucker for coffee houses. I walked in, taking like 5 minutes to figure out where he was; we couldn't dress normally in public; for example, he was wearing sunglasses and I was wearing a hat.
I walked behind him and in my fakest voice possible, said
"Excuse me sir, is this seat taken??" He turned around, smiling and laughing. He stood up, giving me a hug.
"Thank God. Now I can take of these stupid sunglasses." He took them off (obviously.)
"Hey, I like them!" I responded. He gave me an unconvincing look. I just laughed.
"So, I was wondering if you'd guest some harmony on a couple of the tracks on my album? I know it's a lot to ask, but you're one of my favorite vocalists so it would mean a lot." He said.
"Wait- what? Of course!!" I said, getting probably too excited.
"There's just one tiny thing..." He began
"John...." I said.
"Katy is singing too. Listen, I booked her before we split, so she has to. I'm sorry, I know it'll be awkward-"
"Do you like me?" I asked.
"Well, I think I more than like you..." He said, giving me a grin and looking at me through the top of his glasses. My stomach exploded with butterflies.
"Then I'll be fine." I said, grabbing his hands that were already on the table, as we smiled at each other.

BUT OH GOD WHAT HAVE I DONE. This is bound to be the worst, most awkward thing to ever happen.

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