The Right Moment

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Henry and Charlotte walk out of the elevator to the Man Cave laughing about God knows what.

"What are you two laughing about?" Ray asks with a raised eyebrow. After they continue to laugh for a few more seconds, they sigh and reply in unison, "nothing."

Ray shrugs and heads to the monitors where he's investigating a criminal with Schwoz. Henry and Charlotte plop onto the couch, their noses in their phones. There's little to no space in between them, and Henry's arm involuntarily goes around Charlotte's shoulders as he leans in to show her a video that causes them to giggle. Ray continues to look at them suspiciously.

"Do you see this?" Ray asks Schwoz who's busy at work at the monitors.

"See what?" Schwoz replies absentmindedly.

"Henry and Charlotte."
"What about Henry and Charlotte?"
"They've been really close lately."
"Well they are best friends."
"I know, but like, really close. I think they might be dating."

With that, Schwoz finally turns around in his spinning chair and takes a look at the two himself. His eyebrows raise at the sight of Henry and Charlotte so close.

"He has his arm around her!" Schwoz says.
"Exactly!" Ray exclaims. "They're not usually this close."

"And look at the way he looks at her," Schwoz points out. Henry is now looking up from his phone and down at his short friend while she laughs. His eyes are soft and his lips are closed in a small, admiring smile.

"See! Look at that! His forehead could practically read I'm in love with my best friend," Schwoz exaggerates throwing his hands in the air. Just then, Charlotte gets up from her spot on the couch.

"Well, it's getting kind of late, guys," she says while checking the time on her phone. "Unless there's an emergency going on, I should probably be heading home."

"Oh, okay, there's no emergency. You can go home," Ray tells her.

"I'll walk you home," Henry says while getting up.

"Actually, Henry, can we talk to you real quick? It'll only take a second," Ray says.

"Uh," Henry looks to Charlotte who gives him a shrug in confusion. "Sure," he finally replies. He turns to Charlotte. "I'll meet you upstairs?"

"Nah, that's okay. I can walk alone," she responds.

"But it's dark out, Charlotte," he says. She chuckles at his caring words.

"I know, Henry, and I can take care of myself," she reassures while walking towards him.


"Thanks, but I'll be okay," she interrupts him. "See you at school?" She smiles up at him as he sighs.

"Fine," he lets out.
"Good." She wraps her arms around his waist in a tight hug and he immediately wraps his arms around her shoulders.

"Goodnight, Henry," she mumbles into his chest.

"Goodnight." Charlotte lets go to Henry's dismay and steps into the elevator, sending him a final wave goodbye.

Henry smiles to himself as he turns around to see both Ray and Schwoz staring at him, almost forgetting they were there in the first place.

"Oh yeah, what did you want to tell me, Ray?" Henry asks his superhero of a boss.

"That's a pretty love-struck smile you had on your face right there," Ray points out while crossing his arms. Henry's eyebrows furrow in confusion.

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