The Next Day

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It's the next day and I'm sort of nervous to face Zack again. What are we? Friends? We've only known each other for one day. I had a really good dream last night. It was about how Zack gave me a boquet of blood red roses. In my book, that stands for passion. Maybe that dream was a sign. I don't know, but I'm not the type to rush into things. We definetly have chemistry though. When I got to the cafeteria, I could see Zack. He stands out so much from the croud whenever I see him now. It's like he has this natural glow to him that shines btighyer than everyone else. Not to be socially ranking people, but Zack seems like he has a lot more to him than you think. I walk up to him and say hi. He didn't say anything for a moment. He seems a little shy honstly. I said, "I had fun last night." Zack looked at me from head to toe as I stood in front of the table he was sitting at. He gave me a smile. I smiled back and sat down with my tray of breakfast next to him. Zack finally said, "Me too. I wish we could have bon fires every night."
"I know right? It's so cozy to by the fire and just watch the flames fly upwards." I exclaimed.
Zack changed the subject for some reason. "How did you sleep last night?"
"Very good." I said, knowing it was better than that. I just have trouble getting out of bed in the mornings. Lol. What teenager doesn't though? I drank a sip of my orange juice as Zack's smile gave me a warm feeling.
"That's awesome. I was thinking we could be partners today for daily activites." Zack insisted.
I agreed. "Sure, why not? What are we doing today though?"
"Some sort of dance competition." Zack said.
Ah, shit. I'm not good at dancing what-so-ever. When I dance, it's pretty awkward.
"Um, I have to warn you that I'm not the best at dancing." I explained.
"Well then it's a good thing I am."
What, is he gay? Ha, just kidding, but I really don't know many guys who dance.
I said, "Oh..."
Zack looked at me like he just came up with a evil scheme. "I can teach you how to dance."
Everything fell silent, until Zack spoke again. "We should probably head down to the main meeting area soon, so we can get the details."
I nodded my head as I shoved my face with a pancake sachurated in syrup.
After breakfast, we walked down to the meeting area. As we walked, I looked up to the sky and admired the way the leaves blew along with the current of the wind. I was someone who was interested in nature. That's why I go to Camp Waterson's every year. I haven't ever noticed Zack here before though. I had the urge to ask him, "Hey Zack, is this your first time coming to Camp Waterson's?"
"No." He responded. "My first time here was three years ago. To be honest, I've never really noticed you before until last year, when you won that big swimming competition. I thought that was outstanding."
I blushed and smiled. "Thanks, and I've never really noticed you before either. You seem so shy, but I'm glad we met."
Zack and I finally reached the meeting area. It was very crouded and noisy. A camp worker grabbed a microphone and hushed everyone. "Good morning campers!" She said to us as if we were seven years old. "If you didn't know, today the daily activity will be a dance competition! You may chose up to one to three partners. Everyone MUST have a partner. Please pick your partner right now. Once you've got your partner or partners, stand next to each other and make a line." Everyone scrambled around to find their buddies. Zack immdeitly grabbed me by the hand. A line started to form and we just stepped right into it. Once everyone had their partners, the camp worker started to speak again. "Now that everyone has their partner or partners, there will be a few workers going down the line and giving you a sheet of paper of what your dance theme is, and what the rules are. You may be dismissed back to your cabbins with your partner or partners once you have gotten the sheet of paper. Good luck to you all!"
"Who's cabbin do you want to go to?" I asked.
"Let's go to mine, my roomate is never there so we can dance peacefully." Zack said.
I suddenly realized he was still holding my hand.
"Um, Zack..." I awkwardly said as he watched me look down at our hands.
Zack hesitated and quickly let go, "Oh, um... sorry!"
I laughed. As we headed back to Zack's cabbin, I scanned the sheet of paper. Oh boy, our theme is ballroom dancing. I read aloud the rules. "You have six and a half hours to create a three to five minute dance to a song that goes with your theme. You also must pick out an outfit to go with your theme. If the music or dance is explicit, then you and your partner/partners will be excluded from daily activities for a week. Please, let's keep today's daily activity clean. Each group will preform their dance tonight. Everyone has a preformance time at the bottom of their sheet of paper. Everyone does not have a different dance theme, so it is ok to have the same dance move as another group. Let's not cheat though. If your group does not have a dance made up by your show time, you will be excluded from daily activities tomorrow. Have fun and goodluck!"
"It's almost twelve, so we better get to work." said Zack.
I handed him the sheet of paper. "I agree."
Soon enough we had reached his wooden cabbin.

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