what should I call it? (Kinda long)

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(napsta if ur here just scroll to the way bottom where the tags are... Unless you actually want to read my horrible stuff that's ok too i guess. Lol)

Should I call it ControlTale
Cause I'm pretty sure there is already a ControlTale cause I have searches but I dont think there is a ControlledTale

Its like... There were too much powerful beings on the surface and the people (or the NORMAL people if you will) were scared that they would lash out and hurt or kill them. The government got a plan and had the Powerful wear special Collars
(shade, sean, Brady, and blade don't count.. They have weapons and they're regular humans also Chara and Frisk don't count.. Frisk tried to help the Inhumans ) These collars will flash green when put on in the beginning. If it flashes yellow it is a warning, either you are.. yelling too loud, heart beat a way too fast, doing some sort of specific action, etc. If its a warning it will vibrate.... Or for my case it will stab me with...needles ugh. And inject something to calm me down. If its red it will shock you. If you are immuned to being shocked (the collar will already know this stuff) the collar will heat up. If you are immuned to exreme heat it will make the collar very cold. If you are immuned to that blah blah blah etc. While the collar does such actions your body will act immediately, you will call and start twitching until it stops and you relax. For the umm... I guess I'll call them HYBRIDS- no, im just kidding. I'll call them the 'Inhumans'..
For the Inhumans this sounds really stupid and some will refuse to put it on, they will be hunted down and will be forced to wear them. If there is more inhumans brought to the world then at their age of 7 they will have to wear the collar given to them to the government by the parents.
So basically when the monsters came they had to wear them too.
One day something happened and the inhumans' minds just snapped and their bodies held the power of the collar and adapted, eyes changed looked more... Lets just say looked more crazy? I dont know how to say it. Anyways... The Inhumans started killing off the humans cause they were sick of all the punishment. (They Didn't kill each other or frisk for they were grateful that she wanted to help)

If you want more details about this talk to me, blah blah blah.

Also if you try to take off the collar it will automatically turn red.

I have ideas for each and every character
But I will upload these characters probably slowly

I put blue for the eyes because remember how I said that they hold the power? It goes to the brain which the brain is also connected to the eyes which the collar also has blue which the needles injected the thing it also injected the freeze which ...

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I put blue for the eyes because remember how I said that they hold the power? It goes to the brain which the brain is also connected to the eyes which the collar also has blue which the needles injected the thing it also injected the freeze which traveled to the veins. She had Freeze that's why its blue. Also you can see that the collar is jammed on the red.
All the characters will have stories to why they look like they do and what happened. I will put this one later. Tell me if I skipped a story.

I'll probably make more of the story as I go or not cause I think it's good like this, and I'll probably change the characters on the way so that they look kinda like something screwed with their power and different forms. (also... Napstablook got free. Cause had a ghost... And he's awesome.
I'm also gonna add some people here like
And more people on the way.
(i probably have lots of spelling errors But I'm not gonna check cause im lazy just inform me if you see any) Also I forgot what I wanted to say so I will have to cut this... A centimeter short. Lol

(of you want to be in it just say if you want to be in it and what the Oc is like... Power, immunity, etc.)

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