It doesn't hurt

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It doesn't hurt, it cuts deep but I don't feel anything anymore. I am getting more numb the more pills I take....
I wake up to my parents fighting again.
I quickly cover my arms when my dad bursts in. "Get the hell up we need to talk about last night" he screamed.
I start shaking ' did he find out?! I'm dead. I don't want to go to UNI!' I think to myself. "you did not do your chore!!" I feel relief. "get upstairs" he demands. Once I do my chore my dad drives me to school, silence in the car as always. I get out of the car he asks about my lunch, (I did not make one on purpose.) "Oops I forgot it " I quickly leave so he doesn't offer to bring it to me. I walk into school following the walls to not be seen. It's hot outside but I always have to where long sleeves and pants to cover up. People walk over to me I want them to leave, but, I smile and laugh instead, feeling dead inside. Not listening to a word anyone says.      I say I have to go to the bathroom, where I wait until school starts. Gray walks into the bathroom. we make eye contact I look away, we used to be friends but something happened, I blocked it out I don't remember anymore. I still love her but we never talk. She looks like she is doing the same thing as me.
The day goes the same as any other day. I go to class, eat lunch in the bathroom, go home, no dinner, cut, sleeping pills, sleep.

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