noun [vol-lih-shun]
-an act of making a choice or decision
-a choice or decision made
-the power of choosing or determining
SYNONYMS: accord, autonomy, choice, self-determination, free will, will
-"If you won't obey at your own volition, I'll happily bring you down by force!" ~Cato, Legend of the Athanadra: Astrape by fUZZI_Lin
-"If you won't leave of your own volition, I'll happily remove you myself!" ~Ivor, Minecraft: Story Mode
Did you know? Volition ultimately derives from the Latin verb velle, meaning "to will" or "to wish." (The adjective "voluntary" descends from the same source.) English speakers borrowed the term from French in the 17th century, using it at first to mean "an act of choosing." The second sense of volition, meaning "the power to choose," had developed by the mid-18th century.
Random[THIS BOOK IS IN ENGLISH.] Having struggles coming up with words suitable enough to put in your stories? Wanting to use a different word because, oh goodness, the words you think of are too overused? Fear not; we've got you covered. Here's a pleth...