chapter 13

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I walk threw the jail with calmness that I shouldn't been able to at this position I am in. I've found out not too long ago that the guard I took out was about to start their guarding shift in the jail so once I reach the cells of the captured and the dead, the guard there nodded his head who then gave me the keys to the cells before walking out of the cellar and out of sight. I made sure there wasn't any other guard before springing into action. I jogged across the cellars looking at each and every cell but was greeted with zombies. I jogged a little more before coming to two cells one containing a red hair woman and the other had nothing. I look around in desperation hoping that there was any other cells here in this jail but there was none. Frustrated I kick the bars of the empty cellar in anger before stopping my action and silently sigh in defeat. I should've known that Corl wouldn't be alive..its been almost 7 months since I last seen him alive. I snap out of my train of thoughts as the red head girl bang at her jail cells bar in anger. "Hey you piece of green garbage let me out!" She exclaim slamming her whole body into the bars without a wince. I mentally sighed this must be the red not red that Nick was talking about....Urg I need to get out of these guards uniform it's making me itchy....With that trail of mind I took off the gear I was wearing and stood with all my glory in my usual green shirt and black pants. I've close my eyes when taking off the gear so Red not red couldn't see my eyes so once I was out of the gear I grab my bandage from the pocket of the guards uniform and tied it around my eyes, hiding them from view. I blink twice to adjust my vision before turning around to face the Red not red who was looking at me in shock. Grabbing the keys I unlock her cell door before opening it up for her to get out. She look at me with disbelief before walking out the cell with hesitation, She must not trust me which I understandable from her view point I guess. I grab my notepad and pen from my back pocket of my pants before scribbling down who I was. I am not the enemy, My friend Corl was captured before you and I was hoping I could get him out before he was the food! I showed Red not red the response I've given her before taking the notepad back into my hands. "How do I know you are telling the truth?" Red not red narrowed her eyes and took a few steps back from me. I grab my pencil to write again before the door to the cellar open suddenly making Red not red and I jump in surprise. I quickly stash my notepad and pencil into my back pocket and raise my frying pan in font of me ready for smashing heads. At the corner of my eyes I could see Red not red getting ready to defend herself as well we waited anxiously for the guards to arrive into the cellar. The thing I wasn't nor Red not red were prepare for was Nick to scramble in with his rifle raise to shoot any guards in the cellar. Nick straight away spotted Me and Red not red and jog over towards with his riffle strap to his back. "Shelby, Sub Thank notch you guys are alright" Nick sighed once he stood in front of us looking at Shelby before turning to me with a shake of his head. "Thank you Sub" He said happily before turning serious as a siren was heard from outside the building. Nick look to the cellar door before gesturing us to follow him. "Come on guys follow me" Nick shouted looking at us before running outside the prison building and headed towards a church. A sinking feeling erupted from my stomach as we approach the church. I couldn't argue with them as we ran into the church. We came to a sudden stop as Red stood at the altar smiling evilly at us three before letting a chuckle. Nick and Shelby were shouting at red as all he did was taunt them making them more angry. I wasn't really paying attention to them at all, all my attention was on the person beside him in utter shock. "Who said I was alone Nick?" Red chuckle as Ross cleared his throat getting the rest of the groups attention. "Ross" Nick growled which made Red and Ross chuckle. "Ah Nick what a pleasure to meet you once more, I see you have a new team mate" Ross said smoothly looking at my direction with shock written throughout his eyes. As Nick and Shelby shouted I quickly signal Ross before Ross and Red throw knock-out gas. Before the darkness of my mind consume me I was able to see Ross's hand signals.

I lost my tongue cannot speak but still see, touch and hear. We need to talk

We will talk...Sub....Brother........We will talk


Hi peps sos for the wait enjoy, another chapter tomorrow- Badge

keep living people- Green (My best friend in real life :3)

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