One of those days

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Y/n's POV

My alarm clock kept going off at an extremely loud rate. I threw my hand in the air and slammed in on my alarm clock. I got right out of bed and automatically felt sick. I ran to the bathroom and BLAH you know... Not fun. "Y/n ARE YOU OKAY?" My dad shouted from downstairs. "No!" I yelled back. My dad walked upstairs and into my room. "Y/' where are you?" He questioned. "I'm the bathroom" I looked by the door frame to see my dads head peeking in. "What's wrong" he said and instantly frowned looking at me while I was sitting on the floor by the toilet. "I don't know..." I sighed. My dad walked up to me and put his hand on my forehead. "Sweetly I think you have a fever. One second, I'll be right back" dad ran back downstairs and came back a minute later and checked my temperature. "103" dad said, itching the back of his neck. I sighed again. "You're not going to school" dad said. "I knowwww" dad went back downstairs and I flopped on my bed. He still had to put my younger sibling on the bus, them after this he would have to go to work leaving me home alone for the day. Both my parents don't get home till 5... That sucks. I took my phone of the charger and texted Mario.

Texting. Bold= Mario plain= y/n

I can't go to school today.. I have a fever of 103... :(

Nooooo! I'm coming over!

Mario. Babe. You can't miss school because I'm sick.

Nah. Too bad. I'm coming over 🙃❤️


*End of Conversation*

My dad walked into my bedroom and placed his hand on my forehead again and then kissed my forehead. " I hope you feel better. Remember mom and I will be home around 5. If you need anything call us" dad smiles at me. "Will do. I love you dad" "I love you too" he shut the door and next thing I know I hear his truck start and he was gone. No surprise Mario shot through my bedroom door with his backpack. "Hey Romeo" I smirked. "H-hey" he said taking a deep breath in. "Whats up with you?" I questioned starting to laugh. "I.... Just... Ran... The...whole...way.... Like freaking sprinted!" That's it. I started laughing. "And what's the backpack for?" I questioned. Mario walked over to my bed and unzipped his backpack and dumped out a whole bunch of movies while he just smiled at me while dumping them all out. "That's a lot but you made a huge messssss! You better clean it up" i said. "Well. We're going to be here for a while so A LOT of movies and don't worry j will pick up my mess" he smiled again. "How about this one. I pointed to a movie. Mario smiled and popped the movie in and cleaned up the bed and slid under the covers with me. We snuggled under the blankets. "Hey Mario?" "Hey y/n? Yeah, what's up?" "Aren't you a little nervous that you might get sick too?" "Nah" he leaned over and kisses my forehead. "Damn you're hot" he said making me giggle. "Both ways" he added making me laugh. "But seriously I don't want you to get sick" I added. "Well as long as I'm with you I'll be okay and if you knew I was sick i bet you, you would do the same thing" he smiled kissing my cheek and we continued to watch the movie, relaxing and cuddling all day.


I'm sorry it's not that good :(

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