Contest for @Teenagebookworm_

436 12 10


"See you guys tomorrow, I'm gonna head home now. You know how my parents are, they're gonna kill me if I arrive home late again" I said laughing, giving the guys a bro hug before heading out of David's house.

I grabbed my backpack and got up to leave, playing fifa with the lads was great.

Getting a tutor meant I wouldn't have a lot of free time, so I stayed longer than I usually did with the lads at David's place.

My parents already complained that I was spending too much time with the guys playing videogames, and that was the reason that I was failing too many subjects, so getting home late wouldn't get me on their good side.

As I walked out of David's house into the freezing autumn night, the cold air hit me it was freezing cold outside that I could see my breath in the cold night air.

The houses in the streets were all decorated with spooky decorations for Halloween which was in a few days. Looking out now maybe I should have left an hour before it got dark, because the neighbourhood didn't look too friendly tonight.

I crossed to the other side and started waking on the path that led towards my house, every familiar corner I walked through everyday seemed so dark and scary at night.

I looked into houses on the street, only a few had lights on, the only source of light outside were the dim street lamps.

For a tall, big guy I wasn't feeling too brave at the moment, I heard noises a few seconds back but I shrugged it off thinking nothing of it.

The street lamps were dim so I couldn't see too far into the distance, but I definitely knew my mind wasn't playing tricks on my because standing a few steps away from me was a figure dressed in black pants and a black hoodie.

I stopped dead in my tracks. The guy wasn't moving. He just stood right in the middle of the path looking in my direction, hands in his pocket.

I could see his face, he stood there staring at me. A cold chill ran down my spine making me terrified.

All I could think about was getting the hell away from him and getting home safely. I crossed the road and went to the other path. Trying my best not to freak out I counted to three and tried to control my racing heart.

There was no point I was about to die, I thought to myself, as the guy moved from where he previously stood and followed me unto the other side of the road.

Not saying a word he continued following me, he remained a few steps behind me. I could hear his footsteps loudly walking behind me, as it was very quiet in the area.

I could feel his eyes watching me, I tried to remain as calm as possible, and increased my walking speed, my breathing got heavier and I felt shivers down my spine as he also increased his speed.

My house was only two minutes away now, I looked back he was still following me, I ran as fast as I could towards my house.

He was running too and gaining on me. So many questions were running through my mind. Why was this crazy guy running after me? I didn't do anything wrong to anyone to have them get someone after me.

I didn't stop till I reached my front door, I stopped when I reached home.

Something seemed odd.

The door was wide open.

There was blood smeared on the walls. My family was nowhere to be found, I didn't want to think about what this cruel person had done to them.

I walked into the kitchen, shocked and froze to the spot. My dog Bruno had been brutally slaughtered.

I had to get out, I had no idea what was going on but all I knew was it wasn't safe there anymore, what had started out as a normal day had turned into a nightmare.

I slowly back out of the kitchen, my heart racing fast, it felt like it would burst out of my chest.

Out of nowhere two more guys dressed in black pants and black hoodies stood behind me. I looked over to the door.

It was the guy that had been following me, he stood in front of the door with his arms crossed, not moving.

Written on the wall in block capital letters was…

YOU'RE NEXT in blood.


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