Eye spy

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Eye spy with my little eye,  shadows dancing in the moonlight, engulfing all sense of rest in their invisible arms.

My name is Vanessa, and all my life I have been a spy. I am 16, born to the family of Andre and they call me the chameleon. I can move without sound, where I blend into shadows to spy on my targets. This job is easy,  as after all it does run in my blood, but then he came along...

Target: 671. Name: Daniel Justice.  Age: 18. Appearance: Tall slender body, straight blond hair, oceanic blue eyes. Aim: find out where he goes after midnight and report to Agent Smith.

The night of the 31st of October (All HOLLOWS Night) I set out to watch him. I followed his footsteps as they walked into a forest of green jewels, as the night covered me like a blanket and spirits howled in the distance.  

Suddenly he stopped, and my trained eyes seemed to lose him. I felt something grab me from behind and put a cold hand on my mouth.

"I've been waiting for you he hissed."

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2013 ⏰

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