Chapter Six

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A/N : Today... Today is just not my day. This chapter is not up to my standard. I'm absolutely not happy with it, but at this point, it's either get it posted or I'm gonna go insane. I actually have the next few sort of planned out, so hopefully they will be better. I'm sorry for the sub-par product, ya'll. I can't even find my saved picture for Kota's dream cather... /facedesk

Word Total : 4,954

Starring Jung Yunho
~ as ~
Dakota Lee

I stared at the attractive blonde for several long seconds, my mouth gaping. At some point I became aware that I had a hand lifted, pointing at him accusingly so I quickly let my hand drop. I knew if I wasn't in such shock, I'd have been blushing at my rude behavior. As it was, all I could manage was a squeak of disbelief. When it became obvious that i wasn't going to say anything else, the man's eyes went wide and he pointed at his own chest.


My jaw snapped shut with a clicking of teeth, and I managed to nod.

"What about me?" His head tilted curiously, and I found it oddly adorable. Especially when one of his curls fell over his forehead and flopped into his face. He must have been used to it because he didn't even blink before blowing a puff of air upwards to shift it out of his vision.

"How... Who... I mean..." He and the others waited patiently as I tried to make a coherent sentence, and in a few short words I felt utterly foolish. I was a college student, I could form a full thought and spit it out! Letting out a huff, I closed my eyes and grumbled at myself. Finally, I managed to spit out "I don't understand."

"Well, that makes two of us, Pookie!" My dream man sounded amused, and I felt my lips twitching with the desire to grin. Somehow, the fact that I could amuse him made me happy. It made no sense at all. Why should I care if I pleased this stranger? But I did. It felt imperative. For some reason I couldn't grasp, making him happy felt like the most important thing I would ever do.

It was that desire which allowed me to finally express my confusion. "Who are you?"

I opened my eyes to see his expression fading from a cheeky grin to a somber, grim realization.

"You don't know?" It came out as a question, but it sounded more like a statement. One that was full of sadness. I shook my head, and his eyes closed as if it was a physical pain. "How is that possible? You knew me. You said my name!" His hands came up to tug at his hair as he talked, seeming to be focused more on himself than me. He turned away from the bed and the others around him parted enough for him to take a few steps, pacing back and forth as he muttered under his breath.

One of the others watched the pacing for a minute, then turned to me. He pushed his glasses further up his nose, then gave me a smile. It was hesitant, but sincere, as if he wanted to be excruciatingly happy but was holding himself back. "Do you think you could answer a few questions for me, Sunshine? It might help clear up some confusion."

I didn't know what I could tell him, but the aggravation bouncing around the room was upsetting. If I could help settle it, I would. So I nodded, and his smile got a little wider.

"Good. Thank you. So, Sunshine, you seem to recognize Sean. Can you tell me how?"

He would start with that. I felt myself paling and had to look away from the deep green of his eyes. How was I supposed to tell him that I'd seen him in a dream? That I'd heard him say those exact words to me before? They'd think I was crazy. They'd have me sent to a mental institution. Then again, that might be better than going back home, but I shuddered at the thought of all the pills and tests that would undoubtedly be run on me.

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