Chapter Nine

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You tossed and turned in a very uncomfortable bed as you tried to wake yourself up from your current nightmare: for some reason you were racing the TT, you were going as fast as you've ever been in your entire life, then suddenly Guy was right beside you on another bike, he somehow managed to wave at you before flying on ahead and disappearing. As you watched him disappear, your bike suddenly flipped forward, throwing you over the handle bars. But instead of skidding across the hard concrete road, you just kept falling down this endless black hole. You screamed for someone to help but no one heard you. You kept screaming.

You shot up in bed mid-scream, realising you'd finally woken up. Guy had his hands on your shoulders and looked terrified. Your breathing was very heavy but as you looked at him you relaxed.
"Sorry I had a nightmare" you panted.
He hugged you before speaking,
"Victoria do you know why you're here? Do you remember what happened?"
Then it all came flooding back. The shopping, the car, the transit van, the pain. You grasped your stomach before yelping in pain.
Guy grabbed your hand,
"Careful! You've got a hell load of stitches there!" He said.
"The...the baby...where's our baby?!" You began to panic. Guy cupped your face in his hands,
"Easy sweetheart it's ok. He's totally fine, but doctors say he has to stay in here for at least another 3 months to make up for the time that he was supposed to spend in your stomach!" He laughed.
You locked eyes with Guy,
"He?" You asked.
Guy nodded,
"Yes. We have a little boy Victoria, our son!" He smiled, letting you take it all in. You wrapped your arms around Guy's neck and kissed him. You couldn't wait to see your son.


A few hours later, a nurse walked in holding a little blue bundle in her arms. She placed the bundle into your arms and you smiled down at what was wrapped up. The tiniest little face you had ever seen with the chubbiest little cheeks.
"I'll be back for him soon." The nurse smiled as she walked out. Guy appeared as she left and his face lit up as soon as he saw you with your baby. He sat down in the chair beside the bed and put his hand under the baby's head.
"What are we gonna call him?" He asked.
You gasped, you hadn't even thought of names. Suddenly, a name popped into your head and as you looked down at your son it immediately fit.
"James" you said, smiling up at Guy.
"Perfect. Our little James." He replied, kissing you on the forehead just as the nurse returned.
"I'm going to take him back to his incubator now. You're both free to go, you'll get information papers of visiting times and check ups etc at reception." And with that, she was gone with your baby boy.

After gathering the papers, you and Guy walked out of the hospital. On the drive home Guy explained to you everything the nurses and doctors had told him about James.
"He has to stay there for at least 3 months. He will be monitored 24/7 and we can visit him every day. He's very very small because he was early so isn't fully developed so he has more chance of catching an illness which could be deadly because of his immune system being so weak. But don't worry babe, he'll be fine!"

You stared at Guy wide eyed at this information. It was going to be a long 3 months.


Back at the house, Guy told you to go up to see the nursery. You went up the stairs and into James's room. A huge smile spread across your face. The crib was built, there were little toys everywhere, there was even a little sign on the wall 'Everything's better now that you're in the world'. You heard Guy coming up the stairs behind you.
"What do you think?" He asked.
Still staring at the sign you replied,
"It's wonderful! I absolutely love it! How did you-" you turned round mid-sentence and immediately put your hands over your mouth in shock. Guy was down on one knee, holding a little open box with a gorgeous sparkling ring tucked into it. You were completely speechless. He spoke first,
"After 4 years of being together, all the stress and anxiety I've put you through, everything we've been through together, and now our little son in the world, I think I've waited long enough to ask you this...will you marry me?"

Your head was going wild, but when you eventually managed to scramble your words together, only one word in particular came out,
"Yes! Yes yes yes! A thousand times yes!" You screamed as Guy stood up and you threw your arms around him. He lifted you up and spun you round as you squealed with joy like a little girl. He placed you back on your feet, took your left hand, and gently slid the diamond ring onto your finger. Once it was on, you threw your arms around his neck again, this time kissing him.
"I love you so much!" You said, tears of happiness streaming down your cheeks.
Guy wiped away one of your tears with the back of one finger,
"I love you too" he laughed.

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