Mini stories :)

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Guys I really badly need your help
I want to write two short stories
And I would like your guys help
I'll give a small description
Letters for heaven to lovers
One month after Natsu,Gray,Jellal and Gajeel had been to a funeral they each received a box with special papers and instructions that appeared only when something oddly strange happened.
Comment if you want this one
Broken but bonded souls
Natsu dragneel a famous basketball player
One day he will wake up paralyzed from the waist down
Lucy heartfilla a famous photographer
She will awake one morning and she will be permanently blind
Erza Scarlet a Famous Lawyer
One day she will lose the ability to Speak
Gray fullbuster a famous singer
He will one day become deaf
After that happens they will all only have one year to live
(Comment if you want this one!)
Ok btw I will eventually do both but I would like to hear from you guys
That's all
Or morning


Life a Of a crazy person Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat