Part 3: Rollins

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Wylan's stomach didn't know what to think when he saw that there were only 12 people in the class. On one hand, less people to make a fool of himself in front of us. On the other, that meant that Rollins would have more time to pick on him. He entered to see 10/12 seats taken and 11/12 desks with stuff on it. Well then, seating wasn't too hard. He dropped his stuff. He was at the seat next to the pencil sharpener with stuff to his right and the Indian girl he remembered seeing from lunch behind him. Looking around, he realized that everyone but the dark-skinned male from that table was here. Oh no...that better not be..
"Hello peoples! Miss me? Did the person lucky enough to sit next me show-oh, hello." The boy cut off midway through his impressive speech to notice Wylan and stare. He opens his mouth to say something else when the door, which had been resting in a crack, slammed open and a man with dark brown but graying hair, piercing gray eyes, a cruel smile, and a fresh suit walked in. He was rather tall and held a metal ruler held in his hands like the walking stick gloved boy has.
"Now. Introduce yourselves so I can tell your names." He had a cold, drawling voice. The voice that Jim Dale used in Harry Potter audiobooks for Draco Malfoy. He pointed his fingers at the Indian girl. "You. Start. We will move that way and loop around.
"Inej Ghafa."
"Nina Zenik"
"Matthius Helver"
"Berm Stanford"
"....Kaz Brekker."
"Anya Westerlund"
"Benr Bolliger"
"Oosem Query"
"Elise Restur"
"Jesper Fahey"
"W-Wylan Van Eck"
"Okay. That's done." Said Rollins in his long drawl. "There's no point in introducing myself-you all know who I am. Let me be blunt with you. You're in this class if you are a troublemaker or caused trouble before. Elise, you're supposed to be at science right now-you have English tomorrow at 2nd period instead."
"No buts. Out." Elise, flushing red, gathered her stuff and scuttled out of the room. Everyone stared.
"Now, you are in this class of you're a troublemaker. Staring in the same order, Inej, you don't participate. Nina, you cared too much about flirting with your boyfriend last year and flunked. Same with your boyfriend. Berm, you cheated every test. Kaz, too many issues to list. Anya, you stabbed a teacher after he bullied your little brother. Bolliger, you're a big rat. Oosem, you slashed at someone during science because they made fun of your gang. Jesper, you gambled every class. And Wylan. You got kicked out of Ice Court Intermediate because you didn't turn in any English assignments. All year." He let the words sink in. Everyone looked uncomfortable, and Wylan felt stares. Guess he didn't look the act.

Jesper stared at Wylan. He had known about basically everyone else except Oosem but Wylan? Already he could see a flush on his cheeks and smirked.
"Congrats pretty boy. Looks like you're tough" Jesper whispered. Wylan blushed Scarlet.
"It's wasn't purposeful..."
"Well, pretty boy, between you and me, it's better if you pretend that you did. Trust me, it sounds cooler-" he stopped. Rollins was staring at him with an eagle eye stare.
"Everyone. Take out your book, We were Liars. We will be reading this outloud. Starting with Westerlund." Jesper noticed that Wylan looked pale. After Anya stopped and Bolliger took over, he paled even more. By the time Jesper was reading aloud, he looked ready to faint. "And no one was-" "That's good Fahey. Van Eck." Wylan didn't respond.
"Van Eck. Van Eck! Are you with us or daydreaming about home sweet home?"
"I-I'm here...." Wylan mumbled. Jesper was certain Kaz and the other people in the back didn't hear a word of what Wylan had just said.
"Are you now? Surprise. Read."
"We don't have all period, boy"
"Read you useless idiot! Goddamn, are you dumber than a piece of wood?"
"I can't!" Wylan finally managed to say read yell.
"You can't?" Rollins asked. A deep silence filled the room. Nina and Matthias, who had been passing notes, stopped.
"You can't what read? Can't do something a seven year old can do? You, heir to one of the biggest companies in England, are stupid enough to not be able to read?" Wylan nodded. His eyes looked glassy and a surge of anger rolled in Jesper's stomach, hot and dangerous. Ready to lash out at Rollins. But Rollins wasn't done."What a hypocrite, no wonder your father hates you so much! You're a sore in ten family name. Not being-"

"Leave him alone." The words left Nina's mouth before she could stop and think. Not before she could stop them though because she wouldn't have stopped them. Their teacher was purely picking on someone-just because he couldn't read. There had to be a reason; Wylan was so smart in that math class, maybe he had dyslexia or something. Rollins focused his attention off Wylan (the poor thing looked extremely hurt, he needed a hug) to her. Matthias scooted his chair closer to her's, but she's didn't need the support. She was staring him head on, well almost. One of her eyes had slipped for a second onto Jesper, who was comforting Wylan. Ship loading sails. She opened her mouth again, but then the most unlikely person to speak up spoke.
"And you can't talk about being a hypocrite or sore. A genius medicine maker like you not being able to treat one little cure and lying in court. Don't think I haven't forgotten or forgiven." Kaz Brekker, with a lit cigarette just inches away from his lips and his walking stick gleaming menacingly from his back corner seat said he looked down his hat at Rollins. Rollins glared purple.
"Dentition! To you, Zenrik, Van Eck, and Fahey. I can see those words." Looking down, Nina could see, written very large in Jesper's book "Rollins is a *several cuss words*." And to you!" The class jumped as he pointed at Inej who shrugged and didn't remove herself from on top of the cupboards, towering 13 feet over the class.

Inej remained in her position over the class the whole period. No matter how aggravated Rollins looked, he couldn't forcefully remove her from up there; he didn't have a ladder, the brains to figure something else out, and he was too fat and old to climb her pattern up. Besides, she had all her materials up there and she was doing everything...just not in the seats Rollins had put out. And so what if she had a detention? She would be staying after school anyway so why not with Kaz, Jesper, Nina, and mysterious new kid Wylan? Add Matthias to that list now because he had just yelled a very rude cuss at Rollins for insulting Nina. The period couldn't have ended sooner. Rollins stormed off in a huff, obviously going to complain. Inej lowered herself down using the bricks, ignoring the stares, and started a conversation with Kaz.
"Why did you? It wasn't your battle."
'Whose was it? Wasn't Nina's. Or Jesper's. Tell them off."
"Going to," Inej sighed. "Detention in the lunchroom. If we're lucky, they'll still have food out. Come on.." The real reason though was because it looked like Jesper and Wylan looked like they needed some time. Wylan looked almost about to cry and Jesper looked ready to murder someone and they both needed to calm down.

Matthias was annoyed. All his homework was finished and it was only 10 minutes into his free. And he had detention thanks to Nina defending some kid. Not that he blamed Nina or the kid; the kid was being horribly picked on and Nina was right to stand up to the bastard. But still-his mother was going to turn the wolfs on him. Literally. Looking around, he saw the new kid, Inej, and Jesper. Not in the mood to talk, he was stuck doing nothing for the rest of the period before school ended and he was free...oh wait, no. He had detention.

Kaz was fine. The cafeteria was open and it was perfectly silent. There weren't even people to check out the food so he had his snack free. Plugging in his headphones and taking a drag from his cigarette (he wasn't allowed to smoke in school but there was no one here to stop him so), he listened to what Jesper described as "terrifying Kaz music" instead of going to Spanish. Today was looking up. And he had that new boy to figure out. He obviously wasn't dumb; Bolliger was the true dumb one in the class. Yet he couldn't read. And by the edge in his voice, Rollins knew his father and wasn't lying. Even so, Wylan (was that his name? Yes, yes it was) had managed to fool people, the freaking goody-two shoes at Ice Court, for a full two years and all those years before him. How? He would ask Inej, she would have the answers by now or at least tomorrow.

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