Yoonmin Scenario #15

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Imagine Yoongi and Jimin are college roommates.

Jimin is a fucking mess.

Yoongi is a neat-freak.

One day, while Jimin is in class and Yoongi has a free period, Yoongi decides to take matters into his own hands and clean the whole room.

After about 30 minutes of just collecting trash in a bag, which included water bottles, old cups, carryout containers, and random plastic bags, Yoongi finally got the floor clear enough to vacuum.

As Yoongi was vacuuming under Jimin's bed, the nozzle became clogged.

"You've gotta be fucking kidding me."

Yoongi pulled the nozzle out from under the bed and saw a shirt was what was clogging it up. The shirt looked vaguely familiar.

Yoongi reached over and turned off the vacuum, and pulled the shirt from the nozzle.


Yoongi scoffed and threw the shirt into his dirty laundry bin, then continued vacuuming.

Next, Yoongi took the bedsheets off of Jimin's mattress, and again, he saw a shirt that looked familiar.

"No fucking way! This cute little bastard has been stealing my clothes!?"

Yoongi threw the shirt to the dirty laundry bin.

After taking the sheets down to the laundry room, Yoongi decided that he deserved some relaxation since he was working so hard. The sheets wouldn't be done for another 45 minutes, so he had some free time.

Yoongi sat in his bed and grabbed the remote, turning on the TV and clicking through the channels.

About 15 minutes into Yoongi's favourite episode of Bob's Burgers, the door to the room opens, revealing a stunned Jimin. Who also happened to be wearing- yep, you guessed it- Yoongi's favourite shirt that went missing 4 days ago.

"Hey..." Jimin said awkwardly.

"Hey. Nice shirt. Where did you get that?"

"Uuuuuummmm, you see, what had happened was-"

"Why did you have my shirts?"

"Okay, so like-"

"Jimin, seriously, it's not like you don't have clothes. Trust me, I would know because I had to fucking sort through all of them."

"Yoongi, I'm-"

"And if you needed to borrow clothes, you should have asked and not just take things that don't belong to you."

"Okay, I know-"

"And another thing! What the fuck, dude? Your side of the room was literally covered in so much trash, I thought I saw kids from my high school there."

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